getting internships?

<p>self explanatory.</p>

<p>No, your question is not self-explanatory. Are you seeking advice on finding internships, or obtaining internships? What kinds of internships are you looking for? Do you have any specific organizations/businesses or general interest area in mind? Please clarify.</p>

<p>However, I will put my two cents in. If you want an internship, I'm not sure if you will still be able to get one at this time, as summer is about to start very soon, and many internships accept applicants in spring or earlier. However, if you have the always-useful 'connections', you may be able to snag a worthy experience this summer.</p>

<p>An excellent resource for internships is your career center. That's where I found my internship this summer. Always, always apply early. Many internships (such as the one I have for this summer) are very competitive, require recommendations, interviews, maybe even an essay. Make sure that you can present your skills and qualifications in a way that shows the organization you would be of great use to them. </p>

<p>Ahh...what else...can't think of anything. Why don't you post more info about yourself?</p>

<p>how do i find and get "good" internships, as well as distinguishing between which ones are good and which are a waste of time.
General interests:
-science research
-arts and design

<p>currently ending sophomore year.</p>

<p>dude, look, at first at least try, and then come, and ask specific do you find good ones? look around! there's no shortcut to obtaining anything good and worthy. So, start your homework now, and then ask for help.</p>

<p>I got lucky because my uncle owns a biomedical research company in California. So obviously, it wasn't very difficult to let me intern there.</p>

<p>Anyways, if you have connections like I did, then go for it. I think it's a little late to be doing anything in the summer now, but if you are interested to the next summer you should start looking around ASAP.</p>

<p>how do u get internships from hospitals or anything medical-related? and i suppose it's too late this summer?</p>

<p>thanks, guys. and, no, i don't have any connections =.=</p>

<p>getting internships at big hospitals is possible..if u possess the skills..and to do that...u hv to talk w/ I told already. start by volunteering, and such.</p>

<p>thanks for your advice, all of you have been really helpful.</p>

<p>a friend of mine got an internship in a hospital. basically what she did is she went for a check up and then asked her doctor if there were any openings for high school students at the hospital. the doctor then referred her to a radiologist that needed a medical technician, so she spent the summer with the radiologist working as her technician.</p>

<p>i dont know if that helps but you said one of your interests was medicine XD</p>