Getting into a UC school

It is getting around the time of the year where I have to start applying for colleges. I am having trouble understanding which schools are realistic, which are reach, and which are fall back schools for my current GPA and ACT school. I am a California resident so I would prefer to go to a UC school, but I just do not know which one I would have a chance at getting into. I am applying as undeclared.
The classes and grades I have gotten are on the semester system, so I get 2 final grades per class.
10th Grade

Spanish 1 CP A B
Spanish 2 CP A A
English Honors A A
Euro History AP A A
Math Analysis Honors B C
Biology Honors B B

11th Grade
Spanish 3 CP B B
Digital Photo CP A A
Statistics AP A A
Physics AP A A
US History AP B A
English IB B A
Transcript grade wise for these 2 years I have a 4.25 GPA weighted.

The classes I am taking senior year are
20th century IB
English IB HL
Calculus A/B IB
Psychology AP
Computer Graphics CP

My ACT score is
Composite: 31
Math: 34
Reading: 33
Science: 34
English: 24
Writing: I do not know yet, but the first time I took it I got a 30

Extra curriculars

I worked at my temple for 2 years, 3 hours a week for freshmen and sophomore year
Worked at Target for 7 months averaging 30 hour weeks
Still work at Noah’s Bagels, so far 5 months, averaging around 28 hour weeks
Also I have done around 80+ hours of volunteer work.
Played Track for 3 years, lettering in varsity in junior year

I know this is a lot of information, or maybe not enough, but I was wondering if someone who knows a good amount of UC admissions requirements could maybe tell me which one of the schools I have a good chance of getting into. I am a really big fan of UCSB and UCSD, so hopefully I at least have a chance.

Calculate your UC-weighted-capped GPA; then you can check historical frosh admit rates by GPA.

I have a 3.92 UC gpa

In 2015, 3.80-4.19 GPA applicants had a 39% admission rate to UCSD and a 49% admission rate to UCSB.

Intended major can make a difference on your chances.

UCSD: High Match-Low Reach
UCSC: Low Match
UCR/UCM: Safety

Also consider Cal Poly SLO (depending upon major could be a Match-Reach), SDSU, CSULB, SJSU, CSU Fullerton and Cal Poly Pomona.

UCB - high reach
UCD - match
UCI - match
UCLA - reach
UCM - safety
UCR - safety
UCSD - low reach
UCSB - high match
UCSC - match

You have a very good chance at all UCs, though Berkeley and LA will be reaches. SD may be a high match/low reach depending on major. ACT score is good but not stellar. You may want to consider retaking if you’re set on Berkeley/LA/SD. You have a good chance at all the UCs though :slight_smile: