getting into brown?!

<p>Public High School, MA
Asian Female
UGPA: 3.4ish (it's lazy, but im hoping to raise it to 3.6 by mid-senior year)
WGPA: 4.3 or 4.5, i forgot
Class Rank: top 10% 38/502,for now, there are alot of smart ppl at my school
SAT I: 1880 (cries) have to take it again in october</p>

<p>3 AP classes in all, 14 honors
3 years of honors Spanish
my school doesn't offer many APs because the town got poorer i guess</p>

<p>i did well freshmen year (all A's), but i kind of got lazy sophomore and junior year, im resolved to get all A's senior year.</p>

4 years of employment (since beginning of freshmen year, 8 to over 20hr/wk, and holidays)
2 years school newspaper: writer
2 years Green Team (to be eco-friendly and such)
1 year art club (planning to do this senior year too)
1 year chess club
MVP (Mentors in Violence Prevention)
1 year Student Advisory Board for School Vocational Program
3 years SkillsUSA
also many real jobs for printing shop @ school as part of vocational program
(many clubs weren't available all the time)</p>

Digital Media Design Contest: finalist, top 28
SkillsUSA District Conference: bronze, advertising design
SkillsUSA State Conference: voting delegate
Certificate of Achievement in Graphic Design
honor roll</p>

<p>as you can see, my extracurriculars and awards are few, but im gonna do so much more; it was because i didn't know that i wanted to go to brown until recently, soo..</p>

<p>im a good writer, my recommendations would be good, and im great at interviews</p>

<p>also my school offers a vocational program. I always thought I'd do graphic design, but then I realized my passion was in fashion design. I quit the Graphic Communications program for my senior year to fill it with as many honors and AP as possible. But the GC program had taken up a good amount of my schedule (2 classes in 9th and 10th grade, 4 in 11th). I know this might me look like a quitter, but I didn't want to continue in something I was no longer interested in. I took as many honors and AP classes as possible up to and including senior year; I've NEVER had and and never will have a study. My schedule has been full to the extent I've argued with my counselor, who recommended I take out classes for studies. Do you think colleges will take this into consideration if I explain this to them?</p>

<p>and i really only want to be accepted into the RISD/Brown dual degree program (so i can do fashion design and english or business), which is what im going for, does this make a difference?</p>

<p>i am also planning to submit an art portfolio to brown</p>

<p>i wouldn't be surprised if someone told me almost impossible, but im going to apply anyways; i just wanted to see other ppl's perspectives, maybe get tips for improvement?</p>