Getting into engineering

Hello! A friend of mine is applying to A&M. Will he get in?

Basics: He has a 1300 on the new SAT, top 25% of his class, Marching Band (Section leader 4 years) Technology Student Association ( President 4 years) Academic Decathlon (Vice President 4 years) Vice President of youth Group (6 years). in TSA he has been to nationals and Ac Dec he regularly medals in math and science competitions.

He is taking AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Chem, IB Comp Sci, IB Film 4, Counselor Aid, Marching Band and Ac Dec.

Here is the kicker - he applied September 15th, and has been updating his application with new information. And the COE says students will receive their admission decision by mid December right? Will he be notified by the end of December if he is admitted? To the university and engineering? Even as a review?