<p>I was wondering if I will be able to apply for admissions in the the GVPT LEP as an internal transfer even though I was rejected when I applied to enter as a transfer from another 4-year university (turns out I didn't meet the two Econ. requirements for externals when I submitted my application).</p>
<p>I still need to complete the one Econ class requirement for internals (which I hope to do this fall), but I completed the other requirements back at my old school.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>EDIT: I should note that my major at the moment at UMD will be History.</p>
<p>A very shameless Bump.</p>
<p>I know DS was told that if he left the gov & pol program for Scholars do not expect to be allowed back in because they have a very high demand.</p>
<p>What is you gpa?</p>
<p>At my old school, my GPA was a 3.5.</p>
<p>Old school doesn’t count, your UMD gpa is what will matter. I will tell you that the Scholar students were told, you transfer out of the program you will not get back in, since there is a waiting list. Honestly, a 3.5 is a good college gpa…I would try, but I doubt it because scholars is a 2 yr(fresh and soph), gemstone is a 4, but has groups, that leaves only Honors and you were originally rejected, by the time you get Econ done, you would be behind the 8 ball for 2 yrs, and missed 2 yrs of seminars, which are credit courses (1 credit albeit, but still reqs)</p>
<p>wait, are you talking about GVPT as a major, or the GVPT scholars program? Because I don’t know why scholars and honors matter if you’re just trying to change you major. But I could just totally misunderstand the question. But if you’re interested in re-applying as an internal transfer for just a GVPT major, I would first call the GVPT dept. because at least for a lot of the LEPs, they won’t take if you have over 90 credits. I don’t know if that applies to you, but since you mentioned you still have a semester, and that you had already taken a bunch of pre-reqs… I don’t know how long you’ve been in school, but just check with them. Also, since you said you didn’t have your pre-reqs when you transferred, I’m pretty sure you were automatically taken out of consideration for the GVPT major, I don’t think that would have counted as your one shot, since you couldn’t have been fully reviewed since you didn’t have all ur pre-reqs.</p>
<p>Yes, I was just talking about GVPT as a major.</p>
<p>I apologize if I was not clear enough in my original post.</p>
<p>I have contacted them and I am going in for a “workshop” tomorrow.</p>
<p>Also, I only have 32 credits right now.</p>