Getting into Harvard

<p>@USNAgolden2014 I love that we totally are abusing this thread to have a conversation. Texting when it’s cold isn’t my strong point. Typing for some reason is easier. Then again, you have an iPhone and I don’t. :(</p>

<p>I think it’s more like, for every applicant that gets in, 8 others would be just as qualified. This is coming from the admissions officer who spoke when I visited. 90% are qualified to do the work. So…my math tells me that it’s a 1:8 ratio when it comes to academics. You need to be something more.</p>

<p>Yeah, as one of those HYP people it is pretty random who gets in and who doesn’t. Not sure why I got in where I did… it’s definitely a bit of a crapshoot. You can improve your chances, but there are no guarantees.</p>

<p>I disagree. I will show you how to muscle your way into Harvard on pure tests:</p>

<p>SAT I: 2400 (800/800/800/12)
SAT II: Math I 800, Math II 800, Chemistry 800, Biology 800, Physics 800, Literature 800, US History 800, World History 800, Spanish 800, French 800, Italian 800, Latin 800, German 800, Japanese 800, Korean 800, Chinese 800, Hebrew 800
ACT: 36 (36/36/36/36/12)
APs: European History 5, World History 5, US History 5, Human Geography 5, US Government 5, Comparative Government 5, Art History 5, Psychology 5, Macroeconomics 5, Microeconomics 5, English Language 5, English Literature 5, Environmental Science 5, Computer Science A 5, Biology 5, Physics B 5, Physics C Mech 5, Physics C Electromagnetism 5, Chemistry 5, Calculus AB 5, Calculus BC 5, Statistics 5, Spanish Language 5, Spanish Literature 5, French Language 5, German Language 5, Latin: Vergil 5, Japanese Language 5, Chinese Language 5, Russian Language 5, Studio Art 5, Music Theory 5</p>

<p>If you can 800 17 Subject Tests and 5 32 AP tests, I am confident you will be able to get into Harvard. You will have a Siemens Advanced Placement Award and a State AP Scholar under your belt as well, so those can serve as your “awards.” You’ll speak 11 languages at least proficiently (which means you’ll probably get picked up by the CIA instead, and not end up going to Harvard, but that’s a risk you’ll have to be willing to take.)</p>

<p>However, be careful to do everything on this list. If you only do half, you will probably get deferred by Yale.</p>

<p>I don’t think there is any set # you have to take, since different schools offer different ones and different teachers grade differently. I just take whichever ones interest me/or necessary so I’m not bored. This year I’m in four, which an extreme load at my school work-wise. </p>

<p>I’m not trying to shine through to colleges by the number of APs I’m taking…like most aspects of an application, it’s not about joining ten clubs, it’s more about taking something that you will carry with you for the rest of your life from maybe 3-5 activities.</p>

<p>yeah most of harvard university is full of rich kids who’s parents donated money to the school</p>

<p>“Applicants with a 2400 on the SAT and 4.0 UW GPA, given no other information, probably have a chance greater than 50%.”</p>

<p>I think that’s probably about right.</p>

<p>masterlu- If you read the data, more than half of Harvard students receive need-based financial aid. Their parents did not donate money. Your assumption is unfounded and rings of bitterness towards the accomplishments of the admitted students.</p>

<p>christiansoldier’s posts always give me a good laugh :slight_smile:
And I’m starting to get the feeling that OP might be a ■■■■■.</p>