getting into honors program

<p>My daughter wasn't accepted into the honors program, her SAT scores were the best despite taking them 3 times and pay $$$ for tutors. She did receive a merit scholarship and although we appealed to get more, it's a stretch for us to afford NU, nothing more was offered not to my surprise. At orientation we were told if she has a certain GPA at the end of freshman year, she can applied to get into the Honors Program. If she does get in, does anyone know if there is a possiblty her merit $$$ could increase? Thanks</p>

<p>We are trying to decide between NU and Drexel in Philly which offered her $10k more.</p>

<p>I have the exact same question, so I’m really interested to hear responses to this too!</p>

<p>Being in honors absolutely does not affect your merit scholarship amount. Students in honors tend to have higher amounts (but not always the case) because they were higher ranked in high school.</p>

<p>However the honors program does offer a couple of grants and such for honors students only to do research.</p>

<p>thanks for the info - does the merit scholarship ever increase? I have a cousin who attended WPI and he claims his did as he continued to do well throughout his 4 years.</p>

<p>We don’t qualify for any financial aid and outside scholarships are difficult to come by so we are desperated for any additional resources.</p>

<p>Your scholarship technically can change… It says something about it on the school website, I think. I know it certainly can go away if you don’t keep the required gpa. However I’ve never actually known someone personally whose scholarship changed.</p>