This may seem quite optimistic, but is it possible to get into mcgil, if you are slightly below their requirements, like not very far but like 3 points behind?
I take the IB diploma and my predicted grade overall is a 30 and I was thinking of applying to the faculty of arts where they have 33 as a minimum and I am kind of worried
The minimum is 33 subject points, which does not include the TOK/ EE. Since most will have at least 1 - 2 points for TOK/ EE with 33 subject points, the OVERALL IB would translate to 34 or 35 points. This is a minimum versus the norm. Overall 30 points, would usually be too low for Arts. You can try, but it is not likely.
The Agriculture and Environment College subject minimum is less - 30 points. This College is on the 2nd campus outside of downtown Montreal. If you are interested in the courses, and have 5s in science and math, it could be an option. Dietetics and Education also have 30 subject points minimums.