Getting into Pamplin Business School

I know VT Engineering is extremely competitive, but how about the Pamplin Business School? We visited VT last month and my son loves it, but I’m concerned about his chances of getting into the program. He has a weighted GPA of 3.8, 1080 on new SAT (590 CR, 490 math), and is a NHS member. He doesn’t participate in Sports or any other school-related EC. He has a part time job in the retail business and he loves it. He took the SAT twice and that was his best score. He will take the ACT in a few weeks.

Any thoughts, feedback, etc would be greatly appreciated. FWIW, we are Virginia residents (ROVA - Beach) and do not need financial aid.

Thank you

Assuming he has taken a mixture of advanced courses like AP, IB, or DE (especially a math course)…coming from Virginia Beach I’m assuming… then he should stand a good shot.

So I just started VT in the Pamplin College of Business (VT2020). I got in with a low SAT score (1080), but I had a decent ACT score (26) and a GPA of 4.053. I graduated with 5 AP’s. So I think your son has a good chance as long as he can get in the mid 50% ACT/SAT score, and really puts the efforf to get the grades this year.