Getting into Ridgecrest South

<p>I know ridgecrest south is honors housing and I already have been admitted into the honors college. My question is, being this late, will spots be open in ridgecrest south or should I expect to live somewhere else? Thanks </p>

<p>Great question. My daughter paid her deposit in Feb. so she apparently doesn’t even get a date to choose, I was wondering what her chances are since Ridegecrest is her first choice.</p>

<p>Hi. Hopefully someone from UA Housing will jump on here and add some information. Just FYI - Based on some rough “ballpark” stats from last fall, it sounds like somewhere around 500-550-600 freshmen honor students will NOT live in Honors housing. Some students prefer the more traditional style dorms, some applied too late (and didn’t get “pulled in” by another student who met the deadline), and some can’t afford or don’t wish to pay the higher cost associated with the suite-style dorms. So just keep in mind that Honors students will be spread around the campus. Good luck in getting into Ridgecrest! (My son is in Honors and plans to live in Burke West.)</p>

<p>If they find a roommate with an earlier time slot, they can be brought into the room (at least that is how I understand it.)</p>

<p>It may be another month before I decide where I am going, but, if I do decide on Alabama, what would my housing prospects be in late April?</p>

<p>SurvivorFan, I don’t think anyone other than UA housing (who likely doesn’t know at this point) can answer that for you. Housing next year is going to be different that than this due to the opening of Presidential II.</p>