Getting into SOM

Trying to get into SOM and now a Junior. Sent off my application to see if accepted. I talked with the SOM Dean and said he doesn’t have the decision but Admissions, is that true? My GPA was not the greatest Freshman year and was under a different major at that time. I have since boosted that up and taken requirements for accounting away from Bing my Sophomore year and transferred back to Bing this 2015-2016 per Bing’s suggestion. When I try to directly peak with someone on getting more information about what my chances are to getting accepted into SOM I seem to hit walls. I remember back to the acceptance to Binghamton and our President saying how supportive Bing is and how they work with and give students who really show effort a chance I begin to wander why I can’t get straight answers. Does anyone know how I can get my answer on whether I can get into SOM definitely or who can give me a direct answer on my chances of them letting me into SOM classes? Thanks for any help.

Unfortunately the only thing you can do now is wait for admissions to accept or decline you. If they don’t let you in SOM make sure you have a back up plan be that staying in Harpur or transferring to another school that will allow you to major in business.

Just as an offshoot, my son is in high school and he THINKS he wants business. Accounting in particular. I have been saying this on these boards for the longest time, and I will tell him when he is ready to apply to various SUNY schools. If you want business, or Accounting, go to the school where you know where you will get in without stress!!. Here is what I mean. We all know that the SOM is an excellent school. They think they are Wharton, or Cornell which is silly, but that is a discussion for another time. Why in the world would you want to risk getting into the SOM when you can go to Oswego, Oneonta, New Paltz, Albany( they have similar requirements for a gpa but not as strick as SOM, u Buffalo, Brockport etc and know you will be able to major in Accounting?? Trust me, if you get a good gpa, 3.5 or higher, the big 4 accounting firms go to all of the above schools. Now, is the SOM more prestigious than lets say Oswego, or Brockport? Sure it is. But what happens if you go to Harpur and do not get into the SOM? Now what? You either have to switch majors which is totally ridiculous, or you have to transfer which sucks if you like Binghamton. Why put yourself through that stress?? To me, it is not worth it.

In my view, if you are a high school student you have to look at it this way. Either you get right in to the SOM, which is very very hard, or you go to another school first for a year and then transfer in. Either way you know up front if you are in or not. But going in as a freshman to Harpur, and biting your finger nails to see if you get into the SOM is silly to me, and puts undue stress on a student.

Accounting is Accounting and if you go to Oswego, St Johns, Brockport, Fredonia, Oneonta etc etc and do well, you will get internship offers from large, medium and small firms. I have seen it first hand. Again, is the SOM more prestigious, yes, but Harvard, Yale NYU Chicago, Cornell etc are more prestigious than the SOM but it means nothing if you do not get the grades.