Getting into UC when failed ccc class

Ok so I’ll be applying to UC colleges as a senior in high school this fall.

My 10-11th weighted gpa is 3.96, but I have a problem. In summer 2019, I took two classes at my local community college and failed because I just didn’t understand anything and the courses moved too fast for my brain to process. The two classes, math 110 and trigonometry, equated to Algebra 2 at my high school, which I passes with an A both semesters.
The UC applications require you provide your CCC history, which is what worries me. I took an easy, unimportant class at the college spring 2020and got an A, and I am intending to take an econ class at this fall at the cc too.
I’ll be taking ap Statistics this senior year if that makes a difference, and I am considering going into a science or economic or business field.

I want to go to UCSD really badly, and I guess I want to know if I can still get in despite the failed classes.

If the courses are UC transferable, then they will be included in your UC GPA calculation and have to be reported. Retaking the classes at your HS does not replace the CC courses since repeats have to be the exact sane class. Yes, this will effect your chances at the UC’s. Also they will be on your permanent college record so if Grad school is in your future, they will have to be reported. Good news is the Adcoms realize that students make mistakes and by showing that you can handle Additional rigorous classes with good grades can help your chances. Senior grades are not considered in the UC admissions so what is your UC GPA’s with the CC grades?

With a sub 4 UCGPA, UCSD and most of the UCs are going to be a stretch. UCR, UCM and perhaps UCSC are going to be your best shot.

Most of the CSUs would be happy to have you so, SDSU. CSULB CPP and Chico up North are all worth a look.

Be sure to apply broadly and good luck!.

Some UC admit data based on the capped weighted GPA for 2019 and 2020.

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 1%
UCLA: 2%
UCSD: 9%
UCSB: 6%
UCI: 7%
UCD: 9%
UCSC: 40%
UCR: 53%
UCM: 80%

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 7%
UCSD: 33%
UCSB: 32%
UCD: 47%
UCI: 35%
UCSC: 72%
UCR: 87%
UCM: 96%

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 38%
UCLA: 35%
UCSD: 71%
UCSB: 73%
UCD: 84%
UCI: 55%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 97%
UCM: 98%

**2020 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range: **
UCB: 4.22 (4.13-4.30)
UCLA: 4.25 (4.18-4.31)
UCSD: 4.18(4.04-4.28)
UCSB: 4.17 (4.03-4.27)
UCI: 4.11 (3.96-4.26)
UCD: 4.11 (3.97-4.25)
UCSC: 3.94 (3.71-4.16)
UCR: 3.88 (3.65-4.11)
UCM: 3.68 (3.40-3.96)

2020 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT totals:

UCB: 1320-1560
UCLA: 1350-1550
UCSD: 1310-1520
UCSB: 1290-1510
UCD: 1230-1490
UCI: 1280-1510
UCSC: 1170-1440
UCR: 1110-1380
UCM: 980-1260

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT composite + language arts
UCB: 29-35
UCLA: 31-35
UCSD: 29-34
UCSB: 28-34
UCD: 26-33
UCI: 27-34
UCSC: 24-32
UCR: 21-31
UCM: 18-27

Would it help if I retook the courses the fall-winter semester? I know the UC’s don’t look at the Senior grades, but I can write about how I’m retaking it in my apps to show initiative or something. My schedule is pretty full with my hs classes and my club responsibilities and dual enrollment, but I’ll do anything I can to make my chances higher. Plus, if I decide to become a transfer student or something I won’t have to retake it then.
I would ask my counselor this but unfortunately she wont be answering emails until school starts and I’d probably pick myself apart with anxiety by then :neutral:

Yes, you can retake the courses at your CC and perhaps showing the initiative will help your chances but no one on College Confidential can tell you for sure. Not sure how the UC’s will review your application since you will have repeated similar classes at your HS??

Please check the CC catalog/online course listing and see if the Math 110 and Trigonometry are UC transferable. I think they are not, in which case the UC would not consider it toward the GPA calc. You would list as “other course” or similar on the UC application. I just checked the local CC where I am and the Trig course only shows as CSU transferrable, not UC. It would be best if you can contact the Transfer Center at your CC – they would know which courses for sure transfer to/counted toward UC GPA. Even though you are not a transfer technically, its the same idea. Good luck! It sounds like you may be ok. (Also on the UC application, there is a space to explain extenuating circumstances etc).

Also, my kids took PreCalc Algebra 2 at the CC because our District took away Algebra 1 from junior high school. So they took the summer after freshman year to get caught up, so to speak. The class definitely was not transferable to UC and on the application, you would list it as other class (if at all). It doesn’t show up in the app section with the drop down menu for classes from the CC.