getting into UF

hi! well I’m a hispanic student currently attending to college and i almost get my AA. i have a gpa of 3.7 and an SAT score of 1840. i did not go to high school here in the united states because i was too old for it (they did not let me get in) so i had to do the GED program. i have been living in the united states for 2 years and 2 months now. i was able to achieve all of that in just 2 years starting from knowing nothing about english (literally nothing). Anyways that is all i have im plannig to go to the pharmacy uf school ill be taking the PCAT next month. i want to know what chances (if any) i got of entering to the University of Florida. Also i have an 138 IQ i dont know if that could help somehow

if u guys could help me pls id appreciate that. if u need more information just tell me