Getting Into University of Miami

<p>Hey guys...Right now my GPA is around a like 3.0 but i'm only a sophmore in highschool but I have been slacking the past years but i'm motivated now and just wondering if anyone has any advice or comments i'm gonna try hard from now on. Thanks</p>

<p>Im a junior now and last year i had around a 3.0 and continued to slack off so i still have a 3.0. While a 3.0 will get you into many good colleges it will def. not get you into THE U. Your only a sophomore so do well this year and next year and if you bump your gpa to a 3.5 by the end of junior year and do well on SAT you could get in.</p>

<p>Dude, you can easily bump that to a 3.4 by the end of this year and a 3.9 by the end of junior year, and a 4.1 by middle of senior year, you have time, just start working NOW.</p>

<p>Oh, and take the SATs at LEAST ocne in march/may of junior year so you can learn your weaknesses and procrastinate over the summer than cram like I did lol.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice and I was wondering how many extra-curriculars should be enough I play both football and lacrosse since freshman year and I will play until senior year and I also help out at local lacrosse camps during the summer....</p>

<p>yea ur going to have to. I have a friend who applied with a 3.1 and got rejected.... good news: you are a sophmore! you have a 4 semesters to bump it up and im sure if u apply urself u can get it to a 3/3-3.5...</p>