Getting into William and Mary with a lower than average GPA?

<p>I applied to W&M regular decision in December. To be perfectly honest, this wait is driving me insane. I won't find out for sure until April. So I was wondering if any of you could put my mind at ease and tell me how much of a chance I actually have. I'll put as many of my stats as I can so you can be accurate. Thanks in advance. </p>

<p>Unweighted GPA-3.52 (I think this really hurts me)
class rank- 26 out of 318
I've taken a fairly difficult course load(honors/APs)
My APs will be:
Human Geography
US History
English:Literature and Composition
English:Language and Composition

<p>My SAT is 720 math, 700 english, and 650 writing </p>

<p>My extracurriculurs:
Boy Scouts(I'm an Eagle with 8 palms)
Beta Club
National Honor Society
Founded and elected president of my schools chess club
I'm a member of the Greater Greenwood Chess club.
I founded a program which supplies firewood to needy families who heat their homes with firewood(its more people than you think)</p>

<p>(also what do you guys think about my chances to UGA, UNC, and Duke)</p>

<p>Hmm… It is really important to know what state your from because these are top public schools. UWillMary you’ll probably be okay I would say. UNC no if you live out of state because they are really selective for OOS people.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m from South Carolina. It sucks, best we got is</p>

<p>my understanding is that william and mary dose’nt convert gpa from weighted to unweighted, I don’t know about UNC. So, if it just says 4.5, that ought to help your chances</p>