Getting Lost at UCLA

<p>Im deciding right now between UCLA and Gtown, and right now my biggest concern is: Am I gonna get lost if I go to UCLA. I come out of a small private school down here in So Cal, and I'm afraid the sheer size of UCLA is going to be so drastically different that it may be very hard for me at first. Is anyone else here worried about this, or do you think that everyone will find their own niche and do great?</p>

<p>you'll be fine. That's what moving in is for-You move in a few days before classes actually start-therefore, you'll have plenty of time to get used to the campus. Have Fun!! :)</p>

<p>yeah and UCLA is by far smaller than UCB or even UCI.</p>

<p>jonkt345, i posted on your other thread</p>

<p>yeah you'll figure it out. Its not a very difficult campus to get used to.</p>

<p>Umm, call crazed from cabin fever, but I think this ? was metaphorical, not literal, as in lost-in-the-sauce...that is my ? about UCLA also. Sense of community? Hard to make friends?</p>

<p>Westow, both UCB and UCI have a smaller student body and a smaller campus than UCLA...</p>

<p>BigBrother: I'm talking about campus size... since im assuming that's how people get lost. Prolly not among crowds of students.</p>

<p>I was wrong about UCI, I just looked it up and it's got a bigger campus than UCLA. Cal however, has the smallest campus of the UCs.</p>