<p>So it's finally my first year of high school at a fairly expensive private school, and things aren't going all that well. Due to the fact that my parents consider my grades "low" they're thinking about pulling me out -- and I won't complain. That's obviously partially my fault. So in order to stay, and to get into a fairly decent college I need to bring my grades up. Unfortunately, I've been unable to get myself to do any of the work. </p>
<p>I used to be a straight-A student. When I was 11, I started/programmed a website, which had about 1,000 people interested in joining within the first few months of it opening. But then, around February of that year, we lost our house. I quit turning in work; my parents' relationship got kind of rough. I was bullied a bit, and developed pretty bad social anxiety. Then that summer, the day before 6th grade started, a had two major family deaths. I couldn't get myself do do any of my work, but as the school didn't really take those things seriously, made it through the year with fairly decent grades. </p>
<p>Around December of 6th grade, I screwed up my website, and lost everyone interested in joining. Also, around that year, I did drugs for a small portion of time, which killed my self esteem.. (which is still dead.)</p>
<p>Same goes for seventh grade, although the day right before the school year ended that year, someone close to me attempted suicide. Things got a lot worse, and I basically slept through my entire 8th grade year, somehow making it through.</p>
<p>//excuse the somewhat whine..</p>
<p>So yeah, here I am now. I can't push myself to put any effort into school work, and my grades are suffering. I didn't turn any of my homework for some classes, resulting in pretty horrible grades. What's even more frustrating, is if I had done my homework, I would have basically all A's in my classes. Not to mention, I've restarted my old website, and I can't seem to get myself to be nearly as dedicated to it as before.</p>
<p>I still have fairly decent grades, but I don't want to have to live my entire life wishing I would have actually put some effort into things. Plus, as said before, I want to stay at my current school. I need to somehow be able to push myself to actual get up and do work again.</p>
<p>Yeah, I would say I'm a bit depressed over everything that's happened over the past few years. And it would probably help if I went to see someone about it, but that's not really an option. My parents are kind of.. not there for me in that sense. They're always too busy with work, even when they're home.</p>
<p>I think the main thing is just how damaged my self esteem is from the things that have gone on. I can't see myself having a decent future because of it, and have just given up totally. I need someone who cares (yeah, my parents do by sending me to a private school, but emotionally, I have a hard time believing it.), and some encouragement, but it's pretty clear I'm not going to get that. So I need to be able to push myself, but I just... don't know how to get that back by myself..</p>
<p>Sorry for the general whiny-ness.. P:</p>