Getting past first round

I personally would not see it that way.

Would it help if she had a 1600? Maybe, maybe not actually (depends on the whole package), and in any event plenty of people get admitted to WUSTL anyway.

So is she doomed if she doesn’t submit scores? Absolutely not.

I get that submitting a “perfect” math score is enticing, and I really don’t know for sure the answer.

But I think the big picture is high test scores are just not as valuable as one might hope, and so “losing” a high math score is less of an event than one might think.


You can’t go by everyone else. You just can’t.

WUSTL LOVES ED…and it’s a tough admit, depressing news or not.

With 32,000 apps and 3850 admits, the odds are small anyway. You make your best guess with test and assume you’re not getting in - but you apply because you want to go there!!!

Her chances were small regardless of what @Aimlesscat1 wrote - so don’t over analyze to death.

Take your shots - but have a balanced list.


Your daughter is still a strong candidate, only 27% submitted test scores per the last data set. These schools are hard for everyone so she should put her best possible application together and give it a shot especially if it is her first choice. Apply ED and if it doesn’t work she can look at her next choices for ED2 or RD.

The CDS for 22/23 shows 27% submitted SAT and 33% ACT.

Section C9

Common Data Elements: (

That’s what I used. I was specifically referring to SAT because they are the score pertinent to the OP’s question.

Understood - but you said only 27% submitted test scores and that’s not correct. 60% did - or perhaps some submitted both and it’s a tad less.

It’s a difference from basically 1/4 submitting to 3 in 5 - so it’s not insignificant.

That’s all - just making sure the OP has accurate info.

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which of the schools in the OP will look at the unweighted?

You would have to contact them and ask.

A post was split to a new thread: 3+2 program

Definitely submit the SAT to all schools with that 800 math, considering her interests.

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