Getting Ready to Give Up on Critical Reading.

<p>My highest Math score was 760. I haven't studied for SAT writing because it's Not as important as the other two, but my highest score was a 660. Critical Reading... My highest was a 540! OMG! I just don't get it! The SAT is in 2 weeks and I've been cramming for CR for A LONG time. I just can't increase my score. It's because I'm a very slow reader, and I always get tripped up on those trick questions. I try to rush myself, but I can't. I do worse when I do. Any suggestions, or should I just give up and devote this last two weeks to my Math and Writing. I've about had it with this test!</p>

<p>I was just like you until I found a so-called “secret” way to increase my score from a 172 PSAT (51 CR) to a 2390 SAT (790 CR). The trick is to look for patterns. Even though the answers are different, they follow some kind of pattern. Look at previous exams and try to identify this pattern…if you need more help, feel free to message me</p>