Getting Rescinded [one C grade]

yes I do understand that. However the decline is in a subject related directly to my major, so I felt if that would make a difference.

It won’t.

You aren’t majoring in anything right now. They won’t care what the C is in. One C isn’t going to cause you to be rescinded.

Thats a serious relief thanks. What with loads if people saying that G tech will rescind an application if the Maths score goes to something like a 79/100 ( eq to a C), I was extremely worried. Thanks a lot for clearing this out

For those asking how about going to the schools website to see what their rules are. Take the initiative for your own future. Also there is still time to improve your scores. In college you will have to go to office hours or help sessions. Why not practice this now and going to your teachers to see where the misunderstanding are? You both need to understand that your getting yourself ready for college level classes. Those will be much harder then what you are taking now. Set yourself up for success now.

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To be fair, few US universities have this information on their site. Fewer still are explicit in their rules in terms of grades

OK, we have had this convo before and will try to remember but then how about just reaching out to the school with a phone call. They won’t ask their name and get the information needed.

They will give the same generic answer

But to your point, the student’s efforts are likely better utilized in finding ways to improve the grade vs running all over the internet asking what will result in rescinding


Yes, it does appear that most just say “we expect you to maintain your academic performance” which creates extra stress on high school seniors who ask “will my admission get rescinded for one C grade or because my senior year GPA will be 3.7 compared to 4.0 previously?”.

Why wouldn’t they just say “your admission may be rescinded if you earn a D or F grade in your in-progress courses, or your GPA in those courses is lower than ____ [or lower than your previous GPA by ___]?”

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