Getting the App in late

<p>Ive gotten delayed with the app and it wont be in until maybe nov 1. Will this really hurt my chances of getting in.
3.4 UW
2300(CR 790, M 760, W 750)
Good ecs etc</p>

<p>What is it keeping you from handing it in before then? If you're waiting for test scores to arrive, send in the rest of the application before, so at least you'll have that part in earlier.</p>

<p>Ive just messed up my essays and had to redo them
Its just that im lazy haha</p>

<p>I think you still look good.</p>

<p>You're fine.</p>

<p>I'm out of state, so it's easier to get in. However, when I applied last fall, I had a 1270 and 3.3 GPA and sent the app in December. I got in and here I am now attending.</p>

<p>Metfan, how's it going up there. Going to any games yet? How is the classroom and social life working out for you?</p>


<p>I got my season tickets to the football games. Incredible, to say the least...</p>

<p>Life in the classroom has been working out much better than expected. The whole big lecture thing was a concern for me, but I must say that it's overrated. Whoever told me to sit in the front row knew what they were talking about. The classroom feels much smaller that way... and the professor gets to know you through chit chat before the class starts.</p>

<p>The social life is great here... The whole #1 party school thing is overrated... The parties are just as good here as any other school. Just speak to me on Monday after Halloween weekend... I'm sure there's a good chance that'll change.</p>

<p>Have fun but stay out of trouble on Halloween. I think the police might be out for blood. Drinking tickets are expensive.</p>

<p>I think profs at big schools are very apt to take an interest in students who show a real interest in them. They hate the ones that come to office hours just to grub for a better grade but the ones that keep up and ask for help BEFORE the test will get it.</p>