<p>I love all of you already.</p>
<p>Name/Nickname: Lanie</p>
<p>Hometown: KS</p>
<p>Stats: 35 ACT, 2330 SAT, 3.9 uw, etc.</p>
<p>Academic Interests: English, Poli Sci, Molecular Biology? It's safe to say that I have no idea. But seriously, I am interested in all of those things. </p>
<p>Other interests/hobbies: debate, violin, trying to make myself more interesting (and generally failing), making lists, a little art here and there... </p>
<p>Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...):
movie = American Beauty
book = The Giver, lots of Steinbeck, The Last Time They Met by Anita Shreve
TV show = Boston Legal. Ahahaha.
Song = (currently) welllll right now I'm listening to The Shins. Yum.</p>
<p>Why Carleton? small, rigorous, creative kids, not as competitive as other top schools, charming atmosphere, strong programs in everything (anything) i'm interested in (which is pretty much every subject except physics)</p>
<p>Why not Carleton? Cold. Although I'm somewhat reassured by a friend who tells me Iowa winters are much worse than MN. Not that I've ever lived in Iowa, either, but whatever. Also I will probably have to, y'know, pay tuition at some point... which will be unpleasant.</p>
<p>If you were a food, what would you be? probably some sort of coffee product with an obnoxious name. no whipped cream though, because it makes me gag, and if for some reason it became a part of my being, i would probably just have to go ahead and die. just saying.
Of course, this question then prompts me to follow up with: If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself? hahaha</p>