'getting to know each other'...let's try again

<p>Alright...so due to the cc diaster, the cool 'getting to know each other' thread was erased. I was having fun reading about all my fellow applicants, so I think I'm gonna resurrect it! </p>

<p>I don't remember the exact format..so add on if you want to! </p>

Academic Interests:
Other interests/hobbies:
Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...)
Why Carleton?
Why not Carleton?
If you were a food, what would you be? (come on guys, carleton is quirky)</p>

<p>what exactly did happen with CC? I was so confused today when I logged on, and all the threads from the past few days were gone!</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: Allie</p>

<p>Hometown: MN</p>

<p>Stats: 32 ACT, 1360/2070 SAT, 4.0 uw GPA, rank 1/260</p>

<p>Academic Interests: History, Philosophy, English, Spanish</p>

<p>Other interests/hobbies: skiing, reading, hanging out with friends, anything you can do on a MN lake in the summer - tubing, water skiing, jet skiing, sun-bathing, boating, fishing, you name it</p>

<p>Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...):
movie= Mad Hot Ballroom, Rent, Jerry Maguire
book= The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
TV show= Gray's Anatomy, Laguna Beach, America's Next Top Model
Song= (currently) "you're beautiful" James Blunt</p>

<p>Why Carleton? my sister goes there, small, liberal arts, beautiful, small classes, awesome profs, academic rigor, basically everything</p>

<p>Why not Carleton? too close to home</p>

<p>If you were a food, what would you be? hmmm.... probably ice cream...... because of the whole "you are what you eat" thing</p>

<h2>Me, part deux!</h2>

<p>Name/Nickname: Laura</p>

<p>Hometown: Austin, Texas</p>

<p>Stats: 2280 SAT, 33 ACT, 4.2 w GPA, ranked 18/~500</p>

<p>Academic Interests: Everything except economics. </p>

<p>Other interests/hobbies: Reading, swimming, playing volleyball, doing crossword puzzles, playing ping pong, freaking out about college</p>

<p>Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...):
Movie= Heavyweights, Holla if I Kill You
Book= "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss
TV show= House M.D.
Song= "Crooked Teeth" by Death Cab for Cutie</p>

<p>Why Carleton? It's such a great school, but the kids aren't stuck on themselves.</p>

<p>Why not Carleton? Two words: Minnesota winter. Here, if it gets below 60 degrees, everyone freaks out.</p>

<p>If you were a food, what would you be? An animal cracker. But not the plain ones, the ones that are covered in icing and sprinkles.</p>

<p>I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: John David</p>

<p>Hometown: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Stats: 2190 SAT (taking again, hopefully raise my math!)</p>

<p>Academic Interests: Politics and Economics (Used to be Art and Architecture...but I've shifted over the past 2 years)</p>

<p>Other interests/hobbies: Reading, Piano, Guitar, Web design, other schtuff</p>

<p>Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...):
Movie= Ho hummm...... I'd have to think about this one.. I really like documentaries.....Syriana maybe....
Book= Ugh.... again...I can't say. "What's the Matter with Kansas?" maybe.... or Macbeth
TV show= NOVA Science Now....or anything on PBS for that matter.
Song= Hard ...to many great songs. "Chicago" by Sufjan Stevens....or "Such Great Heights" by Postal Service.... or "I'll follow you into the darkness" by DCfC....or..... </p>

<p>Why Carleton? Great School. Totally new environment (physically and psychologically). Great People. And mo'!</p>

<p>Why not Carleton? Money.</p>

<p>If you were a food, what would you be? Ughhh....rice. Mmhmm.</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: Izzy
Hometown: Location is Bucharest, Romania. No real hometown.
Stats: 3.3 uwGPA/3.6 wGPA, SAT I: 1420/2030, No rank
Academic Interests: Biology, Biochemistry...I think...
Other interests/hobbies: Sleeping, eating, reading, writing (poetry), Annoying people :D
Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...)
Movie: Gattaca, Legally Blond, Pretty Woman, Finding Nemo
Book: The Giver by Lois Lowry, Isaac Asimov's Robot books and Foundation series
TV Show: Desperate Housewives, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Alias, Lost
Song: Random...Tori Amos's songs, "Free Your Mind" by En Vogue
Why Carleton? Best friend's there!! And the liberal open atmosphere.
Why not Carleton? Money and weather
If you were a food, what would you be? I'd be nasi lemak (Malaysian dish) Spicy, lots of variety, delicious!</p>

<p>Hijacking my mom's account for a little bit, haha</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: Jane
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Stats: 1510/2250 SAT, w GPA - 4.7, uw - 3.9ish, Rank - 38/1226ish
Academic Interests: International Relations/Affairs, History
Other interests/hobbies: Choir, National English Honor Society, Sailing, Reading, Being a Nerd in General, TALKING ... ALL THE TIME ... haha
Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...)
I can never decide on these things ...
Movie: I like lots of movies, you definitely don't want my entire list, but to give an idea, I love classic movies (think Philadelphia Story, Casablanca), funny mockumentaries (Spinal Tap, Drop Dead Gorgeous), and everything in between!!
Book:I love so many, but Pride and Prejudice, Invisible Man, and To Kill a Mockingbird are three of my faves
TV Show: Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives, the OC, and, of course, The Simpsons and King of the Hill
Song: I must second "I will follow you into the darkness" by dcfc ... one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard in my life ... my friends got sick of me playing and replaying that song
Why Carleton? Beautiful campus, great atmosphere, academic rigor, quirky sort of humor, small classes, studying abroad, accessible and knowledgeable profs ... the list goes on
Why not Carleton? the winter ... right now it's about 50-60 and windy and overcast and it sucks!!! ... and the money
If you were a food, what would you be? definitely the chocolate chip cookie or a hot apple pie a la mode ... classic, fun, yummy, fairly simple, social, good for any occassion</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: Jordan
Hometown: Grantham, Pennsylvania (near Harrisburg)
Stats: 90.02% unweighted, Weighted rank 52/300 SAT I: 1440/2190
Academic Interests: American Studies, History, Political Science
Other interests/hobbies: Hanging with friends, having fun, Being Outdoors
Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...)
Movie: The Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, Forrest Gump
Book: Between a Rock and a Hard Place- Aron Ralston, Adventures of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, To Kill a Mockingbird
TV Show: Sportscenter, The West Wing, Desparate Housewives (It's addicting)
Song: Jukebox Hero- Foreigner, Goodnight Saigon and We Didnt start the fire- Billy Joel
Why Carleton? Great school minus the New England attitude, Minnesota is a cool state!
Why not Carleton? Far away, but I was accepted ED so Im going!
If you were a food, what would you be? Philly Cheeseteak</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: Ellen
Hometown: tulsa, oklahoma (be jealous)
Stats: ACT 31, GPA 4.42ish or 3.96ish, 11/294
Academic Interests: political science (more specifically, political theory, ir stuff, legal studies, race/class/gender issues)
Other interests/hobbies: biking, singing, hanging out
Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...)
Movie: it's a wonderful life, big, 13 going on 30, control room, royal tenenbaums, sound of music
Book: The Stranger (Albert Camus), Race Matters (Cornel West), Savage Inequalities (Jonathan Kozol), Maus 1 and 2 (Art Spiegelman), Words that Wound (Mari Matsuda), The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Joe Trippi), A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Dave Eggers), Confederates in the Attic (Tony Horowitz), and, of course, Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling)
TV Show: west wing (rip), project runway, daily show, next
Song: goods (mates of state), long haired child (devendra banhart), the man in the mirror (michael jackson), the arcade fire's cover of maps, johnny + june carter cash's cover of it ain't me babe
Why Carleton? small, good poli sci for its size, rep for having lots of "learning for learning's sake" types
Why not Carleton? is northfield too small? will i die from frostbite by november? will i get in? will my parents lay off their "we're philosophically against loans" stance?
If you were a food, what would you be? easy mac...low maintenance but delicious</p>

<p>and jordan.... "we didn't start the fire" is amazing. you know you're cool when you realize you have significant chunks of that song memorized.</p>

<p>I love all of you already.</p>

<p>Name/Nickname: Lanie</p>

<p>Hometown: KS</p>

<p>Stats: 35 ACT, 2330 SAT, 3.9 uw, etc.</p>

<p>Academic Interests: English, Poli Sci, Molecular Biology? It's safe to say that I have no idea. But seriously, I am interested in all of those things. </p>

<p>Other interests/hobbies: debate, violin, trying to make myself more interesting (and generally failing), making lists, a little art here and there... </p>

<p>Favorites (movie, book, tv show, song,...):
movie = American Beauty
book = The Giver, lots of Steinbeck, The Last Time They Met by Anita Shreve
TV show = Boston Legal. Ahahaha.
Song = (currently) welllll right now I'm listening to The Shins. Yum.</p>

<p>Why Carleton? small, rigorous, creative kids, not as competitive as other top schools, charming atmosphere, strong programs in everything (anything) i'm interested in (which is pretty much every subject except physics)</p>

<p>Why not Carleton? Cold. Although I'm somewhat reassured by a friend who tells me Iowa winters are much worse than MN. Not that I've ever lived in Iowa, either, but whatever. Also I will probably have to, y'know, pay tuition at some point... which will be unpleasant.</p>

<p>If you were a food, what would you be? probably some sort of coffee product with an obnoxious name. no whipped cream though, because it makes me gag, and if for some reason it became a part of my being, i would probably just have to go ahead and die. just saying.
Of course, this question then prompts me to follow up with: If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself? hahaha</p>

<p>oh man, i keep seeing bits of myself in you guys, and it's making me really excited about college! </p>

<p>anyway, here goes</p>

<p>Name: Libby
Hometown: Austin Texas
Stats: bleh... 2310 SATI, 760, 720 SAT IIs, I can kiss my elbow (supposed to be physically impossible, i think i should get points)
academic interests: English, calclus, biology, philosophy...wait, everything but phsyics
other interests: talking is my favorite, reading, swimming, viola, playing in the park, eating crepes, laughing with friends
Favorites: ok, i'm really really bad at picking favorites, but i'll try
Movie: anchorman, dumb and dumber, sound of music, two weeks notice,
Book: Anne of Green Gables, Jane Eyre, 1984, Of Mice and Men
Song: I really don't know...i like oldies, beach boys etc. but some of the new stuff is good too...
TV shows: Friends, gilmore girls, west wing
Why Carleton? The involved professors, intellectual students, happy environment
Why not Carleton? I'm not entirely sure I can function at temperatures below 40 degrees
if you were a food what would you be? well, i could be clever...but i'm going to have to say a slice of Mr. Ghatti's pizza simply because I'm pretty sure that after water, my body is like 89% pizza....i've had quite a few slices in my day</p>

<p>If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it?</p>


<p>what is Mr. Ghatti's?</p>

<p>acc_bound...I would expect...I like seeing the moon up in the sky at night. Makes me feel either more peaceful or more wild, you know?</p>

<p>Mr. Gatti's is a pizza restaurant chain.</p>

<p>"If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it?"</p>

<p>Heck, I'd have seconds:) dang, will ferrell is a beast of a comedian!!!! </p>

<p>Oh, and I just realized that I totally misspelled Mr. GATTI'S...how is that even possible? I spend 104% of my time within the walls of that legendary establishment.</p>

<p>"If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it?"</p>

<p>Depends - beef or pork?</p>

<p>Hahaha it's actually just an old quote from SNL, but you kids are wayyyy rad for answering!</p>

<p>And firefly, let's go with beef.</p>

<p>Oh gosh, can't say I would eat a moon made of spare ribs.</p>

<p>I'm really not a barbecue fan, unless it's just sliced turkey on a bun or something. I don't like meat much, but I especially dislike it when it's on the bone still. I always feel like a Flintstone or something.</p>

<p>Also, eating the moon would probably mess up tidal patterns or something like that, and plus, that's a lot of food. So from a practical standpoint, I'm gonna have to go with no.</p>