<p>Hi Everyone!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to UCSB next year as a freshman, and something I'm really worried about is not knowing anyone at school. I saw a post like this on another website and I thought it was a great way for the incoming class to get to know each other. Just write a little about yourself and if you want, put your e-mail/facebook/tumblr/social networking URL so people can talk to you and we can get to know each other better. Most likely, some of us will be living down the hall from each other, so why not get to know the people you'll be with for the next 4 years? </p>
<p>Alright, so my name is Tanya Silva and I am from Orange County, CA. I was born in Sri Lanka but I moved to California when I was 4. Hmm...lets see, well during my free time I like to go to the beach, go running, or hit up some of the great malls in Orange County. I like to go out and have fun but I'm also very studious. I love meeting new people and I don't think I'm shy at all, but I have a feeling that being a freshman again is going to be really intimidating.</p>
<p>I am going to be a Political Science major at UCSB (or Cal Poly SLO, I haven't decided.) I play lacrosse and I hope to continue playing lacrosse at UCSB. I have never visited the campus before so I'm going to go see it on April 1st :) And after UCSB I hope to go onto law school and become a lawyer someday. My e-mail is <a href="mailto:mynameistanya@yahoo.com">mynameistanya@yahoo.com</a> </p>
<p>I hope this helps the UCSB Class of 2015 get to know each other a little bit better :)</p>
<p>oh no that’s not me lol
look me up at <a href="mailto:y0tanyasilva@yahoo.com">y0tanyasilva@yahoo.com</a></p>
<p>Heeeeello, my name’s Anna, I’m from the LA county, ethnically Armenian, most likely going to UCSB in the fall although the cost is scaring me (and my parents)…</p>
<p>My current plan in to major in bio, and apply for pharmacy school. Free time wise I like to listen to music, web design, blog, write, play piano, and swim. my favorite genres of music range from classical, to progressive rock, to psychedelic, to indie, to pop, to electronic and various other things. </p>
<p>We should all have a mass skype group chat, now that would be aaaaawesome…</p>
<p>If you want to add me on fb, PM me, I’ll send you my fb email :)</p>
<p>a massive skype sesh would be awesome! i played piano for 8 years at the Orchepia School of Music, I stopped playing during my sophomore year
Why is the cost scaring you? How much financial aid did you receive? And I don’t know what PM is, but you can add me by looking up my email: <a href="mailto:y0tanyasilva@yahoo.com">y0tanyasilva@yahoo.com</a></p>
<p>I just added you
PM = private message haha. You have an option to PM somebody when you click their username on cc.</p>
<p>I would need to take around $15 k worth of loans
I’m still talking it through with my parents so we’ll see…I played piano as a hobby for about 2-3 years but I quit too haha. I still play for fun though :D</p>
<p>oh okay cool
i had a friend change my password for a few days due to a stressful week of tests, so I’ll check my facebook asap
what are your other options for school?</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure I’ll be UCSB over UCLA in the fall!
So excited!</p>
<p>I’m Alexandra Bowers from the Bay Area and I’m doing pre-biology at UCSB. I hope to become a marine biologist because I love the ocean and adore scuba diving and researching. </p>
<p>@Tanya - I also play lacrosse and hope to play at UCSB!</p>
<p>Pretty much narrowed down to either UCSB and community college
My parents are pushing me towards the latter, but I really want to go to a four year…maybe the open house will change their minds haha</p>
<p>jazzdancegoof- are you a girl or boy? if you’re a girl, we might play on the same team! </p>
<p>AtticLights- aww, I hope you come to SB
I’m so grateful I got full financial aid, and I’m sure that if you call the school they’ll try to give you more money.</p>
<p>Hmm…that’s certainly worth a try…</p>
<p>woohoo, if I call, they give me money ???
I thought it only works when I call my parents … I don’t know UCSB is so nice !!!</p>
<p>I’m sure after you tell them you’re THE leakers from cc, they’ll give you a full ride ;)</p>
<p>yeah, right !!!
they let me climb on board and be a gaucho, then the stupid cow buck me off !!!</p>
<p>seriously, you think the name leakers carry a lot of weight, and I don’t mean obese …</p>
<p>Dude…I love UCSB’s mascot so much…who wants to be a Bear when you can be a little south american man going around and shooting everybody???</p>
<p>I am actually a gaucho before I officially become a gaucho !!!</p>
<p>Aww that’s a cute idea!
Okay, well my name is Sitara Abraham and I’m from the Bay Area. I’m Indian, and i’m so happy that there’s not gonna be a lot of Indians at ucsb haha. I’m planning on majoring in Economics with probably a minor in Political Science. Hmm, well I’m impatiently waiting on graduating lol, filling my time with going to the gym, working at Hollister,or just wasting hours on end on facebook haha.
and I am unbelievably excited to go to UCSB!</p>
<p>oh yay well i’m glad there will be another brown person at SB
I’m glad that there aren’t too many Sri Lankan people at SB though haha. I can’t wait to graduate either, our graduation is June 23rd or something, which is reallly late compared to other schools
and yeah, you could say that I spend a good amount of time on fbook as well, so much so that I had to have a friend change my password haha i’m glad we have that in common though!</p>
<p>haha yeah me too! where i live it’s just like a blur of brown haha so i want a change. but I’m glad we’ll be in the same boat in college! wow that is late =( but regardless of when school actually ends, it’s still feeling like an eternity =\ haha i really doubt i can physically handle 2 more months! foreal like I won’t even have anything to do on fb, i’ll just casually stalk my friends lmao or keep refreshing the newsfeed hoping something interesting comes up. and before i know it, like 2 hours have gone by haha!</p>
<p>haha i think anyone who has a facebook does the same exact thing.
and yeah…where i come from (South Orange County) there aren’t like ANY brown people. I know some other Sri Lankan people, but I’m not very fond of their gossiping ways, so I try to stay away. One of my really good friends is Indian and I get along with all his Indian friends, so I tend to prefer Indians over Sri Lankans haha
Yeah, after AP tests next month I’m basically free (the good thing about taking all AP/IB classes is that you get to relax for the last month of school after testing) but I really caaaaannot wait to move out and get to college.</p>