<p>I've started to fill out the additional information section, and I decided to just list a few facts that I think are interesting myself. I talk about how I seem to be likable, some extracurriculars I didn't mention anywhere else. But I also have some sort of offbeat facts, like how I wish I had a british accent and how my favorite color is brown. Do you think these will work for or against me? I can totally see an admissions official thinking "this kid is weird" or "he's trying too hard" but I also feel like it sort of sets me apart. What do yall think?</p>
<p>The additional information section should only be used for serious matters.</p>
<p>keep it in, if it describes you, keep it in.</p>
<p>I agree with ee33ee; imo the “additional information” section is for something significant, say, an illness, a personal issue, that doesn’t fit elsewhere but the AdCom should know about so as to fairly assess your application.</p>
<p>I’m sorry to say that randomly throwing in your favorite color and your desire to have a British accent sounds juvenile to my ears. There is a place in the application for ECs; mention them there or leave them out. Saying “I am likable” is a telling and violates the “Show, Don’t Tell” maxim for effective college writing–and therefore is unpersuasive standing alone. Perhaps your GC could mention that in her/his letter.</p>
<p>I agree as well that the “additional information” section is for parts of your application that need further explanation. Most of your examples are things that you could easily mention in an essay (which you should if you think they’re important) and not things that should appear in this section.</p>
<p>Also, as ADad said, be careful of violating “Show, Don’t Tell”. Saying that you think you’re likable is an admissions no-no.</p>
<p>in my UNC application…it asked questions like “if you could be in one point in time…”</p>
<p>and stuff like “what’s your favorite fun fact…”</p>
<p>it’s not bad i did anything like that, right></p>
<p>Musab, it sounds like you are saying that UNC specifically asked for such responses. Is that right?</p>
<p>yeah they asked like 7 specific questions, but Im wondering how they’ll view my responses.</p>
<p>I don’t think that your favorite color should be added to your application. Keep it formal, and take it seriously.</p>
<p>That being stated… That’s just my opinion. Who knows? I could be totally off. Maybe your “cuteness” will make you memorable.</p>
<p>i think there is a general consensus that there is a spectrum between cutesy-cutesy and being a complete monotonous drone. </p>
<p>that having said, i personally think that being cutesy-cutesy is a high risk, high reward method of writing. If it describes you, if it is humorous, if it DEFINITELY makes a lasting impression, by all means include it. However, be warned that if the cute stuff is extrmeely trivial and seems to gimmicky then your chances of admission will decrease.</p>