<p>rgomez, I agree with you. There are fake people. But your definition and mine are different. Fake people to me are the people who smile in front of your face and then talk ish about you behind your back. Why? Because they want to be cool with you...because they want to be cool with everybody. Those people need to get out with that crap. If I don't like you, I just don't talk to you. If I got a big enough problem with you, I will address you about it and see if we can see eye to eye. Too many people these days are afraid of not being liked so they start acting like a chameleon and just do whatever the crowd is doing, that's fake.</p>
<p>I come here, and seriously, "fake" personalities are not an issue when you're dealing with a top academic institution that is also a state university. Unless you're going pre-business, there's absolutely no need to worry.</p>
<p>^ what the heck is that supposed to mean????</p>
<p>Pre-business people do not have "fake" personalities. Although I must admit that I met many who do to some extent during my brief stay at Cal. </p>
<p>That was just a blatant comment. Can you back it up??? Please enlighten me as of how pre-business students at Cal are "fake".</p>
<p>Once again, I DID meet some pre-bus people who have double personalities. I won't mention race, but they are dominant in Haas. However, the smaller factions of students at Cal are REALLY united. They look out for each other and help themselves by helping others. What I saw was a sort of proletarian mind-set in the underrepresented groups at Haas. This of course is my opinion and it is limited to my stay. But simply generalizing that "fakeness" rules the business world is overblown. It is indeed present in the form of "business etiquette and behavioral compromise" but this does not mean that people can be considered "fake" since that is the image that the corporations want to radiate; that of friendliness and mutual collaboration, when in reality it is a dog-eat-dog world out there. Considered this behavior by business people as "the rules of engagement."</p>
<p>^ I dunno, that post seems kinda fake to me...</p>
<p>And thanks for the reassurance and info Tropical.</p>
<p>People have a right to be "fake" just like people have the right to lie ( except in court under oath) There are going to be "fake" people anywhere... either deal with them or try to avoid them altogether.</p>
<p>at least fakeness is not as bad as lacking assurance of your beliefs</p>
<p>why can't we be friends?
why can't we be friends??
<p>take it eazzy ;)</p>
<p>Does "ghetto" include the usage of slang and constant profanity?</p>
<p>Regardless, we are all fake sometimes because we all should know what happens when keeping it real goes wrong.</p>
<p>^I'm going to say yes. Constant profanity not so much, but slang I would say yes.</p>
<p>The fact remains that ghetto behavior is a big influence in our society, whether in hip hop or even TV. So,.... I guess we're all ghetto at some level. I definitely am. So are my friends, peers, and neighbors. The inner city attitude is always with me. I know what ghetto is. So, all that yapping about being real is just a way to relate to the ghetto. Here, you are not "real" or "keep it real", you SHOW people who/what you are through your ACTIONS.</p>
<p>Showing people who you are through your actions = keeping it real. Showing people who you are NOT = being fake.</p>
<p>And no, we're not all ghetto at some level.</p>
<p>This is the lamest thread I've read on College Confidential.</p>
<p>There are many kinds of kids at Cal. I promise you this. There are so-called "Ghetto" kids just as much as there are Frat Guys, Hipsters, and those who seriously think Elvis is still alive.</p>
<p>That said, take some time to think about why graduating high school students almost naturally select prestigous universities over their not-so-prestigous counterparts. (I know one of you said you'd rather attend Fullerton, but the point is, you're [naturally] going to Cal.) The reason for the majority of students*, and especially those from families making less than $30,000 a year, is this idea of "upward mobility." Thus, the whole "gangsta" attitude at Cal, like all other prestigous universities, is kind of a joke. Why hustle to make a living when you can succeed the legal way with a Berkeley degree? </p>
<p>*Admittedly, some students do not go to Berkeley with this idea of "upward mobility" or even money. However, for those students who come from families that are barely able to pay their bills / feed their children, it would be foolish not to take this into consideration.</p>
<p>If you're still worried about not finding "ghetto" kids, I invite you to join The Central Californian Club that (CC poster) Azelma and I plan to create once we get to Berkeley. (Central Californians are not stereotypically "ghetto" in the Compton definition of the term, but they certainly live in trailers and take baths in ponding basins and canals.)</p>
<p>ok u know what, i don't wanna sound rasict, but it will sound rasicst, but its true, if yur black, and u have decent grades, then yur getting into ucla and berkeley. i don't care what universities say about now doing affirmative action or selective choosing,they do do that. i know a couple black people who are going to cal and ucla, and their sat scores are: 1800, 1500, 1600, gpa lower than 3.5. i had 2050 sat, gpa 4.2. and guess where im going, irvine, cuz i got rejected to every other school.</p>
<p>^^ I'm not even going to bother pulling apart the fallacies of all that...</p>
<p>Insecurity? The hell would you want to purposely be "ghetto" for? Does actually being poor, having no human capital, and being the lowest rung on the social ladder appeal to you so much that you would actively pursue it? LOL at media influence - looks like someone has some growing up to do. Call me a prick, but I call it a superficial, immature front. The "ghetto" attitude is no better than any other kind of pretentious, self-detrimental mentality.</p>
<p>Please explain this "gangta" attitude.</p>
<p>You don't know what "gangsta" is? Are you "fo real?!"</p>
<p>Just kidding- that's probably not answering your question anyway. (Though honestly, I hope you know what "gangsta" is; it's a somewhat common term in popular culture.)</p>
<p>"Gangsta" attitude at Cal- I would say you did me some injustice by cutting the sentence in half. What I meant is this: It's kind of lame pretending to be a "thug" at Cal or any other prestigious university, considering how priveleged you already are by virtue of attending.</p>
<p>Admittedly, I'm at fault for connotating "gangsta" with "ghetto," as they are technically not the same. That said, I'm not sure if the original poster of this thread implied lifestyle or location. </p>
<p>Alright, I'm finished. This thread still sucks. I'm gonna go punish myself for posting in it.</p>
<p>Actually, I recommend the movie "How High" for everyone in this thread. It's a funny movie; I hope you understand why.</p>
<p>I wish there were more characters like Method Man and Redman in college.</p>