I am a 9th grader and I am wondering whether if I should ask the gifted coordinator if I could try to test into the gifted program. I personally think that I am gifted due to the fact that I managed to teach myself a year’s worth of math in less than two weeks(algebra). I did this without any help and to get out of general math. I also read a lot of non-fiction books which have helped me remain at a 11th grade science level while I am only in biology. The reason why I think I was not identified is because I speak two languages and I was put into ELL(English-Language-Learner) as a kindergartner. I am wondering if I should ask. For me, school is very boring, including my geometry and bio. honors class. Please help…
First, talk to your parents about it. See if they feel like you can handle the work. If you feel like you can manage the work, then talk to the gifted program coordinator and/or your Guidance Counselor with your parents. If you and your parents both feel like you can handle the gifted program, then your GC/Program Coordinator will likely oblige.
So does your high school actually have a gifted program or are you hoping to be eligible for the honors track? Around here, gifted programs tend to end by middle school and the more able students take more advanced classes in high school.
Yes, there still is a gifted program.
Just go for it. There’s no harm in trying.
Ask your counselor. There’s nothing to lose and you sound intelligent. Good luck!