<p>I have been involved in a strong relationship with a UCLA student for the past year or so. Our relationship has gone through some major hurdles (most notably this summer, where I was completing a fellowship on the east coast and she was in California but we got through it).</p>
<p>However, as of late I have been doing a lot of thinking about our future together. She is a fourth-year pre-med student (I am also a fourth year but I major in Political Science). I have always noticed that she struggles academically. She has not done well in her pre-reqs and still wishes to aspire to become a medical doctor. </p>
<p>I realized that there were certain things that were wrong about her. Primarily her work habits and her attitude towards school. She takes school seriously but she never puts in the time to do well instead she thinks being involved in 100 other EC's will get her into medical school.</p>
<p>I have done my research and with her GPA and just how she hasn't been able to juggle things I realize it will be a tall order for her to get into any school. However, that isn't the problem, the problem is that I feel I am with a girl that isn't doing anything. I love her to death but I just feel we are two different types of people. I will be graduating from UCLA this year and I am currently applying to law school (3.86 GPA with a 169 LSAT). I feel like my life is going places, and unfortunatley I cannot say the same about hers.</p>
<p>She has really struggled as a student and just as a UCLA student as a whole (left two jobs because of poor performance) and also never commits to EC's (she just does what she thinks will look good).</p>
<p>I just had my alumni interview at Northwestern University and they asked me "How would I feel about leaving California?"</p>
<p>I didn't answer the question because I just was in no position to say anything meaningful. But I realize now I would be elated to leave California and start a new life, and starting a new life with a new woman.</p>
<p>What do I do? I care about her a lot (she is the first girl friend I have ever had) but f--k...I just wish she was on top of her sh--. She is a bright girl but I am just like why can't she seem to get her head on straight about being a student (after three years) and just be realistic with her ambitions.</p>