<p>For those of you who expressed throughout this thread that my experience at KP in the 90's was not in any way indicative of what life is like for women at the Academy today, I invite all of you to go to Facebook, search Groups and enter "3rd Company Man Laws of USMMA". Many of the laws are funny; however, three in particular are, in the very least, derogatory towards women and could be construed as harassment. It is concerning that in this thread kp2001 and is2day in particular told a prospective female M/N that my opinion was invalid as the times had changed in terms of sexual harassment at KP. To now see something like this posted on a popular networking site for all the world to view is unbelievable.</p>
<p>The most offensive "man laws" were as follows: </p>
<p>Number 9 I will not post in a public forum, you'll have to read it for yourself.</p>
<li><p>Women can't drive.</p></li>
<li><p>Under no circumstances shall a member ever defer control of the television remote
to a female unless it is his mother/grandmother.</p></li>
<p>I'm curious. If the "men" of 3 Co believe women are incapable of driving and operating a remote control to a tv, what kind of respect are they showing their fellow female M/N on a day to day basis, and even more importantly, how will they treat women in the industry when they're out to see with them for months at a time? </p>
<p>By the way, I woke up to a link to this group in my e-mail today. It was sent to me from a respected KP graduate (male) who is a friend to this day. He was disgusted.</p>
<p>Those of you in the know, please figure out how to remove at least the offensive parts from Facebook. While I realize it's not representative of how ALL men at KP feel, others, especially qualified, prospective female M/N, may not be quite as understanding.</p>
<p>I've forwarded this to the acting Commandant. I hope all of you who read this board will encourage those who posted this group to remove the offensive parts. Additionally, whoever's sons those are in the photo -- please have a discussion with them about the proper way to treat your fellow M/N, male or female.</p>