<p>Actually, they’d have motive to lie if the info presented was accurate, but they didn’t want to admit it. Ever play liar’s poker?</p>
<p>Dont advertise if you aint sellin.</p>
<p>Here’s my weigh-in on the wearing revealing, provocative clothing–</p>
<p>It’s not exactly a black-and-white issue.</p>
<p>Yes, if you wear a short skirt or low blouse, that is not an invitation for a guy to cat-call you or make lewd gestures or assume your easy, etc. And you very well should admonish any idiot who makes himself thus.</p>
<p>However, it IS going to attract attention, and staring from guys, and that really is 1. not only the point of why you are wearing the outfit (you want social status and hot guy attention, not ugly guys tho hence the rub) but 2. yes, it’s really your responsibility. It’s akin to a guy walking through class stark naked and then blaming his onlookers.</p>
<p>I once saw the Vagina Monologues, and one famous bit is the one “my short skirt” where some girl in a short skirt says “my short skirt… is not a provacation, not an invitation, not an indication…” yadda yadda.</p>
<p>I was an acquaintance of the girl so the next day I told her I saw it, she was funny, blah blah. Then I said… the short skirt thing… it pretty much is a provocation. And she agreed and laughed.</p>
<p>I mean, you are wearing a skirt that maybe goes down two or three inches? What are you thinking exactly? It’s so you appear fashion-forward to your girlfriends? Is that really it? What if simply wearing a bra and panties was fashion forward? Would you do it then, and expect no looks?</p>
<p>I’m not being judgmental of how people dress or what they choose - I’m just saying, attractive girls are going to get looks at as long as man walks the earth. It’s probably how your parents met.</p>
<p>This is the reality of it. Girls check out guys, too, don’t forget!</p>
<h1>122 Quote: Dont advertise if you aint sellin.</h1>
<p>Absolutely perfect! Words of wisdom. Debate not needed.</p>
<p>who are you arguing with spiderman?</p>
<p>there’s literally no one who thinks checking out a girl is bad, staring at a girl and being a creeper is bad but those are completely different things</p>
<p>'Actually, they’d have motive to lie if the info presented was accurate, but they didn’t want to admit it. Ever play liar’s poker? "</p>
<p>Why would I not want to admit it? For all you know I’m not even really a woman, it’s not like it matters what you think of me.</p>
<p>So what are you, a tranny? Transexual?</p>
<p>WuTang, what I was going to get at before is that social contracts are a fiction (at least in their most theoretical implications). Rights are the logical conclusion of the self-ownership axiom. We can have a discussion on this, as it is an interesting topic, but only if you’re up for writing long, deliberate posts. And completely derailing this thread.</p>
<p>I think we do agree in our * application * of rights, though; I don’t believe anyone has a right “not to be looked at” either.</p>
- If that were entirely true, nobody would argue on the Internet.
- I think Dave Chapelle said it best.
(When a girl says, “Just because I’m dressed this way does NOT make a whore.”)
"Now that would be like me, Dave Chapelle the comedian, walking around the streets in a cop uniform. Somebody might come up on me, ‘Ah, thank God. Officer, help us. Come on, they’re over here. Help us!’ I gonna be, “OH, just because I’m dressed this way does not make me a police officer. … Because all right, lady. Fine. You are not a whore. But you are wearing a whore’s uniform, I tell ya that *****'s right.”</p>
<p>That was the best I can do since I can’t link to YouTube. Great bit. You all should watch it.</p>
<p>Unnecessary, TPB.</p>
<p>Why the fear of derailing the thread – so many people making lazy, fallacious arguments on here, I think it’s time to make them THINK about and ANALYSE the issues they are discussing.</p>
<p>Social contracts are a fiction in so much the invisible hand is a fiction. A fictional force, like centrifugal force in physics (which arises as a resultant of all the other forces in a moving reference frame), using a convenient analogy to generalise and describe real phenomena.</p>
<p>Rawls after all, used social contract theory as the foundation of his book, “A Theory of Justice”. Social contract theory is one tool, out of many.</p>
<p>Not really.</p>
<p>Have a sense of humor. Jeeze louise…</p>
<p>Tranny is a derogatory term, and you knew very well that wasn’t what I meant. Hilarious.</p>
<p>What do you expect if you are wearing a tight fitting top with your “goods” all but hanging out? If you don’t want the stares, dress more modestly!</p>
<p>red, i don’t blame you. i’m a girl and i do have guy friends that tell me the same thing. i guess you just can’t blame the guy when the girl shows it too much. i personally agree with the fact that if the girls wear inappropriate clothes, the should not be complaining- after all they do attract attention. for the most part it seems you’re trying not to…but it really depends on the girl. I personally am comfortable wearing a jeans and top (and no ladies, not all guys like cleavage, i know a few that would actually prefer someone dressed in casual attire).</p>
<p>I do feel the same…I just feel that girls cannot be dressed slutty style and then blame guys for “leering” at them. You know, my class consists of only 6 boys while 48 girls, so in summer it is sincerely common for me to see “something”…I am speechless</p>