Girls with LOTS of makeup?

<p>Do guys like it? (asking for a friend of mine -.-)</p>

<p>I would say a lil make up is fine but not a whole lot that when there’s no makeup you look like a totally different creature.</p>

<p>Your username makes this extremely ironic.</p>

<p>And NO WAY, JOS</p>

<p>I don’t think guys know too much about make-up. They can probably tell if a girl has on lots of make-up if she wears bold and bright colors like red lips and blue eye shadows but not neutral shades. Make-up that looks natural is alright; very few girls look good without any make-up. Girls who spends more than 5 min doing their make-up means they’re putting on too much make-up. Also, don’t constantly touching up in front of guys either b/c they’ll think you have on too much make-up.</p>

<p>I refer to makeup as face-medicine. And yes, those are fightin’ words where I come from too.</p>

<p>I think a “bleh” suffices.</p>

<p>GUYS HAVE NO IDEA if the girl’s wearing make up or not.
for instance, I wear a ton and ton and ton of make up every day. It’s such a hassle every morning, because I spend like 30 minutes on it, but I do it anywayyyyyy. I spend like $500 on make up every month, whyyyy? because i get such good responses. it’s kind of worth it. dont criticize me for being shallow and living in the superficial world. pretty people get away with so much s hit than the ugly ones</p>

<p>Also, people. The real good make-up that takes long time is the subtle, unnoticeable make-up that causes people to look like they are NOT WEARING ANY make-up.</p>

<p>makeup = LIES</p>

<p>k then plastic surgery = lies</p>

<p>sunkizzed, as a guy, I disagree.</p>

<p>Almost all of my male friends can always** tell when a girl has simply caked on foundation, even if it matches her skin tone. It’s just gross and unattractive.</p>

<p>makeup = LIES</p>

<p>plastic surgery = LIES</p>

<p>high-heeled shoes = LIES</p>

<p>fake hair (highlights?) = LIES</p>

<p>McCain campaign ads = LIES</p>


by your definition, i am the most treacherous liar in the world.</p>


<p>Not sayin’ you aren’t hot. Just saying you’ll need continual plastic surgery for that nose of yours. ;)</p>

<p>[/hopes you get the Pinocchio reference]</p>

<p>Some guys like it (I do), if it looks pretty.</p>


I won’t criticize; I really appreciate girls who make the effort.</p>

<p>Depends on the guys you’re trying to attract…I know guidos would drool over a Staten Island girl with an oompa loompa tan, the guys here…not so much.</p>

<p>guys who have sisters tend to know whats cake and whats not.</p>


Hey, no offense, but if you need to spend 30 minutes a day to put on natural-looking makeup to enhance your appearance, I doubt you’re that “pretty” knawmean? ;]</p>

<p>Starbucks08 is totally not even a girl. </p>


<p>Ooo then I’m willing to cut him some slack for having to spend so much of his life dollin’ himself up. :)</p>

<p>In addition, starbucks08, sorry if my reply seemed harsh – I kinda misread your post. I thought you were saying that pretty people get away with wearing more makeup, but you really meant that you needed makeup to be pretty and get away with stuff. Awh. :(</p>

<p>it really all depends on the guy. some don’t mind it, and others hate it.</p>