<p>I'm currently looking for a good business school in the U.S. Could you give me some BUSINESS schools I might have a chance getting in to? I'm a Junior.
Here are my scores:
GPA: 3.7 (unweighted)
SAT: 2110
APBio: 5</p>
<p>Planning to take this June: (Estimated Score)
APEng (Comp and Lang): 4-5
APUSHistory: 4-5
APChem: 5
APChinese: 5</p>
<p>Subject II:
Math 2 :740</p>
Student Council President
Varsity Volleyball for 3 yrs (Most likely to be captian next year)
MUN for 2 yrs
Batminton Vice-President</p>
<p>I’m assuming you’re international. If you don’t need aid, matches are Stern, CMU, Emory, Vandy, Michigan. Maybe Berkeley if they continue to up the OOS population.</p>
<p>The others are reaches, big reaches if you’re from Asia. Try to bring up the SAT scores.</p>
<p>look at USC, great alumni connections, great for jobs after graduation (perfect for then getting an MBA). USC rocks check it out! you also seem to be highly competitive and just right for all the other colleges you listed, as well as USC. good luck!</p>
<p>Swarthmore, Vandy, Emory and Williams are def worth applying to
I would try and figure out what you like and apply to a couple of reaches like the Ivies. You have a decent shot at getting it
Also add a couple safeties </p>
<p>Thanks for your info and support guys
If anyone else wants to give some more advice, please feel free!
Post a link if you want me to chance you back</p>
NYU Stern-high match
Williams-high match
U Michigan-match
Berkeley Haas-?
Cornell-high match/reach
Swarthmore-high match
Vanderbilt-high match
Emory-reach/high match</p>
<p>we’ve applied to some of the same schools…good luck!!</p>