Given these stats... would I get in?

<p>I think you are mistaken, if you read some of these posts, most of the students at the HADES at least, are on FA of some sort. Which means that they are usually extremely intelligent. These schools are difficult to make it into because almost everyone who makes it in cares about learning. I am sure anyone currently at a HADES school will tell you that.
And if you are so confident in your ablities, why did you make a chances thread?</p>

<p>Well I got a nod from my interviewer at SPS.</p>

<p>U r really full of itself, a nod from your interviewer? In sure most people on this thread received same feedback. If ur asking to b chanced b humble</p>

<p>No. As in, they told me and my parents I don’t have anything to worry about. I’m not full of myself… just because I’m confident doesn’t mean I think I’m stuck up. I’m CONFIDENT in that I KNOW I’m better than at least SOME (not ALL) of the kids in HADES. I really enjoy being harangued by middle schoolers/freshmen.</p>

<p>I’m not a middle schooler or a freshman and I think you’re being rude and arrogant. I’m sorry if this comes out harsh, but you really need to work on taking constructive criticism. Nothing anyone said to you was in any way mean and you replied extremely defensively. Everything said was responding to what you asked them to do or giving you tips on how to improve. Oh, and an interviewer telling you that you have nothing to worry about doesn’t mean you’re a sure in either. Each interviewer fights for their candidate, but unless it was the head of admissions interviewing you or something, you’re not necessarily going to get in. I came across a post about a girl who’s interviewer asked her what it would take for her to attend that school. She thought she was in until she got the letter that rejected her. So seriously, chill out.</p>

<p>carin im neither myself, im a sophmore whos applying as a repeat. If im not mistaken you said "I am better then most of the kids at the HADES school. YOu ask for chances. Also just in case u didn’t know, the interviewer only has a 1/4 say, even if it is a senior memeber. I love ur attitude beacuse there is a big difference between confidence and outright being full of one self.</p>

<p>im not bragging- but i received postcards from interviewers saying that I did a splendid job at the interview, and would lvoe if i went to their school, or if football coaches call me nd tell me that im coming next eyar doesnt make me believe im still in. the least you can do when u ask for opinions is to receive them respectfly and not bash others</p>

<p>Hey Jyun! I’m a sophomore repeat myself. Oh and Carin, if your asking for chances, I’d say very slim since you’re not repeating. I have it on good word (from the head of admissions at a wonderful school) that it is very hard to get in as a junior.</p>

<p>nice elmo what schools are u applying too?</p>

<p>Just one, Taft. What about you?</p>

<p>Child you really have way too much time on your hands to do things jeez!!!!!!</p>

<p>Well I’m sure if you made a laundry list of every little thing you’ve done in your whole middle school and high school life it’d be pretty impressive too.</p>



<p>ILYT BABY. It’s not as if I’d put all of those on my application.</p>

<p>Really? Then why did you feel the need to tell us about it? If it’s not on your application the school won’t know about it and if the school doesn’t know about it why would we “chance you” on things that are completely irrelevant to your application.</p>

<p>Look at Groton</p>

<p>I got into SPS… btw.</p>
