I was curious about the actual number of students who apply to one or more GLADCHEMMS schools each year, versus the number of spots available.
For those interested, there are approximately 2,100 annual GLADCHEMMS spots and these 10 schools received around 18,700 applications in 2017. Extrapolating statistically from limited CC Prep Forum data (2016 & 2017 Prep Decision Threads with 120 responses), I estimated each prospective student applied to 3.5 GLADCHEMMS schools, implying roughly 5,300 students applied to these schools in 2017. Using anecdotal data I have assumed 85% of these accepted students actually decided to attend one of these schools.
The result was an adjusted admissions ratio of 46%: 2,100 spots for 4,500 prospective GLADCHEMMS students.
I have a Google Doc link to the spreadsheet. For each school the table shows # of applications; acceptance rate; # accepted; yield; spots available. Most of the data is recent and sourced from school websites, newspaper articles & press releases. I avoided Wikipedia, test prep and aggregation websites, and Google Search summary results.