Global Health Major in Duke

It says in Duke’s website that Global Health is only available as a second major and must be paired with another major. My kid selects Global Health in the Common App and already states her strong interest in it in the essay. Is there any disadvantage to do so given Global Health is not available as a main major? Will this low her admission considering GH is not popular and there might be limited spaces to accept new students.

I would ask the AO - it’s a good reason to reach out.

Have the “primary” major in mind but note you are excited for the Global Health major and would I be disadvantaged if I listed that vs. the primary.

My guess is no.

But ask the school.

It’s hard to tell if they even admit by major or school. What they say -

When you apply to Duke, you must apply to either the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences or the Pratt School of Engineering. The application will also ask you to indicate your preliminary academic interests so we can get to know you intellectually. Please refer to the overview of Trinity and Pratt as well as their majors and minors if you have questions about the best program for your interests. It is not easier or harder to be admitted to one program or another; pick the school and academic fields that best match your interests.

I don’t see why, as you don’t apply to a major. In fact, at most schools you don’t even declare a major until sophomore year. You’re encouraged to grow in college and thus you should go in with an open mind…

No, it will not matter. Duke admits to the college(Trinity CAS or Pratt Eng), not by major. Any admitted student will be able to pursue whatever major they want within their school. The only time a selected “interest” or possible major could be seen as a negative is if nothing else in the application fit with that interest(for example a student saying they want to be a history major yet every EC related to CS and the main essay was about programming).

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thank you for the valuable suggestions.