<p>Two part question:</p>

<p>1) Recommended GMAT books and prep courses (especially online prep courses)?
2) I Intend to take the GMAT either 2/28 or 3/7, from now 'til then, any suggestions on how should I go about preparing? Were there any specific prep strategies that worked for you?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>recommended book: the official guide… just practice that one for a couple times. Don’t use other books because they are all misleading, unless you already master the official guide and want some fresh question to practice on. I think barrons are in general harder than the official test questions, therefore, that might be a good choice after the official guide.</p>

<p>Nothing beats doing a lot of practice exams. A lot of people do well just using the Official Guide but some take prep courses to force themselves to stay focus. If you are already scoring in the mid to high 600’s in practice tests, then the Manhattan GMAT prep course may help push you over 700+ because it is a highly intensive course.</p>