<p>So far, I have purchased the kaplan 2009 premier book with cd and have gone through the quant section of the gmat prep exam. Haven't gotten a score yet so no idea as to how much practice I would need besides reviewing basic algebra and whatever 'unit digits' are (a + b)^2 = etc... kinda figured it out in the practice questions but w/e</p>
<p>Anyway, What are some good resources to utilize to help me bump up my score? I'm applying to grad school and need all the help I can get.</p>
<p>My plan is to...
A. Study the kaplan book
B. Purchase the old gmat tests from the website
C. Study/restudy for the next 2-3 months(maybe about 2-3 hours every sat/sun)</p>
<p>If i'm seeking a quant score above the 80% mark, what's the percentage that I should be getting right?</p>
<p>you should find resources that let you test with an actual computer adaptive test - i just took my gmat in october and i felt the CAT practice tests were the best. still, the books can help with individual questions and knowledge…good luck!</p>
<p>^ completely disagree with that. I got a lot out of the Princeton Review book as well as the Kaplan 800 book.</p>
<p>BTW, money shouldn’t be a factor as all of the books are such an insignificant price compared to the potential ramifications of your GMAT test score.</p>
<p>Improve your English for Gmat. Winningprep.com offers great guidance for all those planning to appear for the Gmat. Apart from English it also offers help on maths and other subjects needed for Gmat.</p>
<p>I would really really suggest the manhattan gmat books (you can just download the english one from torrents) for english and definitely practice with the official guide stuff. The official CAT exams are the best predictors of your progress/score.</p>