God, I hate this girl. (rant)

<p>So, she got accepted into Penn. And what did she have? A 2200ish GRE school, good academics, and NOTHING. To top it off, she’s Chinese, and we all know how low the admission rate for Asians is. What makes her sooo special?
Then, guess what? She didn’t go. Even when her tuition was divided by 2. She dropped PENN in favor of some goddamned four-tier university in the middle of nowhere, just for a free ride. </p>

<p>If it were me, I would have rather rattled a tin can on the streets or robbed a bank or worked at Burger King. :(</p>

<p>why does she bother you so much?? its her choice to be an idiot</p>

<p>Let her be. I'm sure she had reasons. Perhaps money was an issue.</p>

<p>where are you going kilini?</p>

<p>well aren't you just so damn superficial
i mean, you descend to hating her?
can't you just support her?
maybe i'm quick to judge. what's the other half of the story?</p>

<p>"just for a free ride". Obviously, money is an issue.</p>

<p>are you going to penn kilini?</p>

<p>Naw, I'd certainly hate her.</p>


<p>Of course I'm not going to Penn. :( Maybe I'll go when I'm older, but not now. </p>

<p>Well, she didn't make it into any of the schools she applied to after getting her Masters, and none of the schools were as good as Penn. </p>

<p>I'm not sure if money was that important an issue. Getting to the US was a bigger one, since she's an international student and it's awfully hard to come to the US when you're on assistantship (Penn), instead of having a free ride, 'cause then they worry that you can't pay the tuition and end up burdening the US economy. But honestly, she should've transferred after she got here.
I don't really hate her, I just liked her so much that I feel bad for her. </p>

<p>Of course I'm superficial. :D</p>

<p>is it true that the admision rate is low for Asian?</p>

<p>haha kilini :)
sorry for my previous comment, i should really lighten up!
on a brighter note, the grad school * is * what matters, and i'm sure that your desire to go to penn will leak through in your application. best of luck</p>

<p>I got offered full ride by 6 schools because of Quest Bridge Scholars, technically 7 schools(if I go to the local University of Toledo it's free with my GPA and Act score):AMherst, Williams, Rice, Trinity, Bowdoin, and one other I can't remember name to. But I picked Wharton over them cause that's like a dream school!! Plus I wanted big university not small college in the NorthEast and not in Texas where there are actually seasons.<br>
With me though, my financial situation is so pathetic that Penn's offer didn't leave me much more to pay than if I had chosen a full ride. Penn offered me $35,000 so I pay about $10,000 every year.<br>
I am going to be working like full time waitress at one restaurant and part time in the early mrnings at McDonalds to help pay for this. It's worth the trouble. Money problems suck.</p>

<p>Linda, once you get that degree from Wharton I don't think money will be a problem. :)</p>

<p>Thanks, theStones. :)</p>

<p>I'm jealous, Linda. :D</p>

<p>Yep, the admission rate is damned low for us because so many "typical Asians" are like 1600 SATs, 12 years of piano, etc. We're overrepresented, and the colleges want diversity.</p>

<p>That's why you have to be a crazy metal guitar playing bodybuilding Asian dude like myself. Get on it. Now.</p>

<p>lmao...crazy metal guitar playing bodybuilding Asian dude...</p>

<p>well, i have no idea how i got in upenn since my SAT is no where near 1600... i got a 1390 (760m, 630v) and i got in??? i guess they want diversity among the asians too.... yes! <strong>representing the stupid asian population</strong></p>

<p>Admission rate for Asians isn't THAT low.... The percent of Asians admitted to the class of 2008 was 24% while Black 7%, Hispanic 7%, American Indian <1%, Biracial/Other <1%.... The total Asians admitted was about 24 percent of those enrolled...</p>

<p>I hope admission rate is not that low for Asian...
well, I'm not perfect Asian so I might get in (lol)</p>

<p>andy2009... which school did you get in?</p>

<p>the college... but that doesnt mean like "oh, its the college, no wonder he got in..." (as compared to wharton)</p>

<p>haha andy
i used to stress over the fact that i only had sub1500, which is subasian, pretty much.. and pretty much all of my friends had higher scores than i did in like, everything. but now i gloat bcuz i got into my dream school (and some of their dream schools) and they didn't. but ... i gloat silently and very empathetically.</p>