Goergia Tech VS RIT..?

<p>My SAT I was 2080 (780 M, 680 R, 620 V).</p>

<p>I did not give SAT II.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your help...!</p>

Any other suggestions?</p>

<p>Definitely GA tech. I have a friend from Kolkata whos gonna be studying engineering there. RIT facilities and academics are quite subpar. If you are interested in coming to Rochester, you should go to University of Rochester. If not, I would stick with GA tech b/c its a good school.</p>

<p>sorry for my ignorance, what is RIT?</p>

<p>Rochester Institute of Technology. </p>

<p><a href="http://www.rit.edu/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.rit.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href="http://apps.collegeboard.com/search/CollegeDetail.jsp?collegeId=4105&profileId=0%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://apps.collegeboard.com/search/CollegeDetail.jsp?collegeId=4105&profileId=0&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hey Dhruv,</p>

<p>I got into RIT too but for Biotechnology. My case is pretty much the same, I'm also wondering whether I should choose RIT over others. I think I just might, because they're giving me also the $10000 per year scholarship. Plus my aunt stays less than 30 miles away from the campus. </p>

<p>If you're worried about the ranking, I don't know either, but I asked my sister to visit the place and give me a brutally honest opinion, and she loved it. She said she thought their co-op program was very good and that every person graduated with at least 3 jobs on hand.</p>

<p>She was very happy with it and suggested that I accept.</p>

<p>I'm still in doubt though, I want to hear from everyone before making a decision.</p>

<p>Let me know what you've decided.</p>


<p>^^Hey! Ive finally decided to go to GTech only rather than RIT.</p>

<p>Though RIT seems to be a great school, dunno why it doesn't figure any where in the rankings. The winters and no-schoolspirit are major disadvantages. </p>

<p>Gtech is ranked amongst the top 5 universities for undergrad CompEng so im planning to go there only...</p>

<p>All the best for your college search!</p>

<p>My nephew goes to RIT and likes it. I think there are a number of reasons that it isn't rated as high as one would think. Bioggest reason is that it just isn't a long standing well established school. The campus is not attractive. With so many students doing co ops it has the feel of a commuter school. No football team, cold climate, etc. tend to dampen any "school spirit". I have also heard many male students complain about the lack of females?</p>

<p>as georgia tech student studying EE, I can say that the education here is topnotch hardcore. There are lots of Indian students and I do homeworks with few good indian friends of mine. There are large amount of Indian student body in georgia tech and I feel that you will be more comfortable studying in georgia tech. As far as how hard and gruesome the course may face you, I just hope it's worth it.</p>

<p>oh and all i know about RIT is that it's birth place of i2hub</p>

<p>i live in rochester and its beautiful today almost 50 degrees haha</p>

<p>any warmer and the citizens of rochester might have a heat stroke</p>

<p>I would discourage you from attending RIT. Georgia tech is light years better.</p>

<p>77 degrees in Rochester today its beautiful!!!!!</p>

<p>Oh my! I hope the EMTs can cope with all the heat stroke cases!!</p>

<p>Wow, I'm late to the punch on this. </p>

<p>But if you truly want to be a help you would do more research into BOTH schools before persuading new and impressionable students.</p>

<li><p>RIT is not highly touted due to its lack of PHD programs and research grants (an important factor in USNWR ranking). RIT is focused on undergraduate education whereas research heavy schools are focused on just that, research. </p></li>
<li><p>RITs engineering programs were very highly touted in USNWR before RIT was bumped into the PHD granting category. For computer engineering, the school was ranked 2nd in the nation only to Rose Hulman. It beat out such academic luminaries such as Harvey Mudd and Cooper Union which I would say are DEFINITELY better than Georgia Tech.</p></li>
<li><p>There is no comparison between the coop programs between both schools. RIT requires a mandatory 5 blocks of cooperative education which is why the engineering program is 5 years long (explains why the 4 year grad rate is so low).</p></li>
<li><p>I graduated from RIT and work at Intel and am involved in microprocessor development. Company wide, we recruit HEAVILY from the following schools; Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, RPI, RIT, Cornell, and CMU. The east coast sites tend to lean more toward MIT, RPI, RIT, Cornell, and CMU.</p></li>

<p>Well RIT also has micro-E engineering which may explain intel recruiting there. Their imaging science is also unique. You can't lump all engineering together. Unless you're just doing EE.</p>

<p>Rochester is a very diverse area and the schools have a lot of people coming from other countries so you won't be alone in that regard. Very good hands on coop education at RIT. Scholarship is icing on the cake, sounds like a good match for you.</p>

<p>I am a current student and I have been to many other schools. My experience is RIT gives you the tools to succeed in any field you major. GTech has a rep for being big party animals and here at RIT we only have the time to do studies mostly. All the top companies plus the US Government recruit from here before going elsewhere, even GTech. My advice is if you want a job offer even before graduation then you need to come to RIT. I know other students who were offered admission to MIT which is ranked 1 or 2 in not just the US but the world and they have come to RIT even though MIT offered scholorships greater than RIT.
RIT is career oriented which is true and in the end what do you wish? A JOB!</p>

<p>For being into research RIT has gotten many grants for different types of studies and is even working on things with NASA and other depts of the US Goverment. RIT also has 5 international campuses with one opening in Dubai soon which is soon to be the technological center of the world. Out of all the schools in the world they choose RIT, not GTech, not MIT and not Cal Tech…this and the diversity of RIT is one of the things that makes RIT a better school. We have a large international student body 10-13pct I think and about 8-10 percent are also Deaf as RIT has NTID which is the largest technical college for Deaf in the world which about 8 percent of the Deaf population are also international students.
There are many factors one needs to weigh when coming to a school. Sure one school may have SATs and ACTs scores which are required for entrance but GTech may have a higher graduation due to classes not being so intensive and as difficult.
Always get as much info as you can as it is a big decision.- Amanda</p>

<p>I too have questions about RIT. Son got into UMBC (I think a local gem here in MD), Delaware, Va Tech, wait-listed at RPI. Just visited RIT. Its April 4 and it was snowing. Very very cold. It did seem a bit dreary dorms are crap. But it did seem like they had spirit and things to do within the school. My son has no interest in a big party school and could care less about sports really wants to focus on the end result. A job. Went to the Computer Science department and dropped by the visual imaging lab where they had such cool projects they were working on. I could see him “gell-ing” with all these kind of cool Indian guys working in the lab as they were explaining their projects. All throughout the tour – I was impressed when talking to current students to see how well connected RIT was in the industry especially since it is lower on the GPA and SAT score scale than other schools. Contacts at major companies. One kid did his co-op at Google another Intel. The tour took us to a very cool living and learning building the CSH Computer Science House. I was blown away how students – outside of the classroom have such passion for learning that besides doing homework are working on independent projects that are cool things for their floor. One of their invention was featured in Wired magazine. They have two rooms on the floor for actually building things a wood shop and electronics room. In their spare time!!! To me it showed driven innovative students who really have a passion to create things. That is what we need more of innovators! Not just going for the grades but thinking outside the box and creating. But my concern is it REALLY well connected? I just seemed to gather that it is from the tour but question it since its not exactly MIT or Carnegie Mellon. Wonder if it is worth the distance for us and are there “connections” like that at every tech school or computer science department?? Does RIT stand out in the industry even though it isn’t as difficult to get in?? One of the students did say at the Computer Science House that Steve Wyzniak was actually on the floor a few weeks ago that he was visiting the school and he stopped by. Anyone know about the connections and how RIT is viewed by major companies?? </p>

<p>RIT will be no more (probably less) connected to major companies in the CS space as GT, VT, and RPI. It will be better connected than UD and UMBC, by a long shot in the later case.</p>