Going Away for College

<p>Ever since middle school I've dreamed of going far away for university. I applied to two schools nearby and three schools in the east. But after all the research I've done, the three far away just don't seem like great fits. (I actually love them all except for one significant factor each.) My program isn't very popular so they were the best options. The school I applied to that's about an hour and a half away is probably the safest choice, but I feel like I'm letting myself and others down a bit by sticking around.</p>

<p>It's kind of hard to explain. Has anyone ever felt the same? As much as I love my family and friends, I just have this urge to leave. I want independence and the real college experience. I know an hour and a half means I'm leaving in dorms and everything, but I still feel like it's a bit close since lots of my high school friends will be going there. </p>

<p>Has anyone had these thoughts and went to a close school anyway? How did it work out? Did anyone think they wanted to go far away and then regretted it? I'm just not sure how much this feeling should influence my decision. Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Have you visited all of the schools? Because it really is all about fit. If the school an hour and a half away seems like the right fit for YOU, I’d say go for it. An hour and a half away is enough to give you a good college experience living in the dorms and such. But if you feel the further schools are a better fit, go there. </p>

<p>I’m in the same position as you (applied to some schools close to home, some far away). Now that it’s getting near times to decide (we still have some time), I’ve realized that the distance doesn’t really matter. It matters what school fits me best. Decide how often you want to come home as well, as if you are further away, you wouldn’t be able to come home as often.</p>

<p>Good luck. It’s a hard decision that only you can make.</p>