<p>Hi, i need advice.
So it's my first year at UCI and i'm currently in my winter quarter but honestly i dont like it here. My first quarter here i did really bad. I got a Pass, B+, D+ and F. My G.P.A was 1.5, so yes i am on academic probation right now should be off by the end of this winter quarter once i raise my g.p.a. I changed my major so the classes that i received a D and F in are not required for my major anymore but doesn't it still look back on my transcript?</p>
<p>My brother was talking to me about going to community college back at home and then maybe transferring into UC Davis or Berkeley, but i don't think i'll get in with that D+ and F on my transcript from UCI. Actually with that D and F on my transcript, is it even possible to get into any other school if stop being a student at UCI? Someone help! :( </p>
<p>I asked if i could try to get into a cal state and my brother said that the class transfers are different. But i think i would have a better shot at getting into a cal state than into Davis and Berkeley. </p>
<p>So should i finish my first year, drop out, move back home, go to a community college then try to transfer into another UC? or Cal State? </p>
<p>Or should i stay here at UCI? </p>
<p>do i even have any hopes of getting into another school?!</p>