<p>Hi, im going into EE this fall as a freshman, and because I keep hearing horrifying stories of how hard EE is (and engineering in general) i decided to check out some of MITs free lectures on youtube for EE before college starts..</p>
<p>Well I watched a couple (up to middle of lecture 2), and I feel so confused.. </p>
<p>This is what I watched, not sure if any1 here as has watched them:</p>
<p>What I'm wondering is, am I really supposed to get all this **** right now? I feel so dumb, because I'm reading the comments on both vids talking about it's the most basic course in EE there, and how easy it is, and that aspiring EEs in HS should watch this.. Theres gotta be something I'm missing?? Is this really how my first EE class will be like come next week?? I don't know half of what he's talking about, what the hell is maxwell??</p>
<p>I'm not going to MIT, so I don't know how their classes are structured, and if that's really the first EE class you take, or if theres some kind of pre-req that you need to understand that stuff.. I just hope I won't be so lost when my class starts or else I'm so screwed..</p>
<p>Every school does things differently, though the first lecture starts from basic electrical physics that should have been taught in high school and then goes into the more advanced stuff in detail.</p>
<p>What’s your high school math/physics background? If you haven’t had certain classes, it’s obvious that you may not get concepts.</p>
<p>A lot of schools don’t really even start EE classes until after you’ve done a couple semesters of Calc/Physics.
Here’s a page detailing the UC Berkeley EECS layout.
[Eta</a> Kappa Nu (HKN), Mu Chapter - Student Services - Course Surveys](<a href=“http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/student/CourseSurvey/]Eta”>http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/student/CourseSurvey/)
Notice that the first major class is EE40, which is Intro to Circuits (I think this is similar to what you’ve linked).
The prerequisites are MATH 1A&1B (essentially the calculus before multivariable stuff) as well as PHYS 7A & 7B (which are dynamics and electricity/magnetism, and you learn the general stuff about circuits in 7B).</p>
<p>I don’t think you’re going to be dropped into EE courses your freshman year, but more likely the end of your sophomore year.</p>
<p>ahh, ok well my math in HS was up to IB Calculus, and physics was up to IB Physics 1 (out of 2)… I never learned anything about electricity in it, so i guess i should’ve probably taken part 2… </p>
<p>ok I see now, I guess that means the intro to ece tools/concepts class (ECE 111) I have like next week won’t be anything like that then, since there seems to be no real physics pre-req and the track i’m going to be taking doesn’t have me having physics until spring term…</p>