<p>Those of us that are going or considering going to UCSB next fall have created a Facebook group to start networking and making friends.</p>
<p>You can join our group here :</p>
<p>UCSB</a> College Confidential Transfer Students Fall 09 | Facebook</p>
<p>Looking forward to meeting new people!</p>
<p>do people really keep up with contacts from facebook? serious question</p>
<p>Does it matter if they do?</p>
<p>im not going to join this until i get accepted into the school.</p>
<p>and btw, you people look… normal. shocking.</p>
<p>omg i wanna join this group… but i got rejected
pray for my appeal people!! plzzzz</p>
<p>f u c k i want to join!!! it still says decision pending! <em>shoots herself</em></p>
<p>i joined, my names leo levani.</p>