Going over on the word count: How much is too much

<p>I just finished my essay, gone over it a couple of times, and yet it is still thirty words over. Is this really a huge problem? Does it send a bad message if I go thirty words over on a 500 word essay?</p>

<p>how many sentences is it over?</p>

<p>There is no sentence limit, it just says 500 words. But it is32 sentences overall.</p>

<p>i noe there’s no sentence limit but u should cut down some of ur words… in sentences be no more over 20 or so</p>

<p>Unless there is a strict limit, you should probably try to do less than (3/2) * (length recommended).</p>

<p>^ That’s way too much of a leeway. </p>

<p>I think 30 words over 500 words is perfectly fine. No one’s counting words - however, some say that adcoms print the essay until 500 words, and not one word over. I don’t know how true that is because it doesn’t sound very fair, but if it’s on common app and there’s a character limit, just abide by that.</p>

<p>From what I hear, adcoms will read all of your essay and can tell when you are significantly over the limit. Going over by 30 words shouldn’t be a big deal but anything more than 50-60ish is pushing it. They set a word limit for a reason, and you should honor their specifications. That being said, I went over 32 words on one of my essays.</p>

<p>I could probably cut down thirty words, however I’ve done a lot of editing already. Would anyone like to read my essay to help? Its kind of a fun topic (Harry Potter, haha)</p>

<p>Aw I’ll read it! :)</p>

<p>Awesome! I’ll PM it to you!</p>

<p>i’ll read… send it</p>