going to a grad school from a csu

<p>would it be harder to get into a good grad school from a csu? assuming I have a decent gpa, maybe a 3.3 or something.</p>

<p>also would going to a csu for grad school be an okay choice?</p>

<p>I'm just worried about my chances of employment after grad school.</p>

<p>I'm aiming to be a psychotherapist (LCSW) but I feel like I just won't be able to be employed unless I go to a prestigous school or something...</p>

<p>also just fyi I'm still in my first year of college so I have no idea about anything lol</p>

<p>anyways thanks</p>

<p>No, it won’t necessarily be harder to get into a good grad school from a CSU.</p>

<p>Going to a CSU for grad school really depends on the field and the program. If you are planning to get an MSW and a therapist, then going to a CSU is just fine. Social work isn’t really a prestige-driven field.</p>

<p>That’s what I actually just thought today. it’s not like I’m aiming to be a psychologist or anything. social work isn’t really high up there. might as well go to a csu anyway to save some money :)</p>

<p>thanks for your reply!</p>