Going to office hours?

<p>Hi, this is my first semester in my new major, I switched from bio to poli sci and now I'm in psychology. I'm doing really well in my classes, but eventually I will need recs for grad school. Unfortunately I had to take most of my classes online this semester but I have 2 classes on campus. I want to talk to my professor to establish a good base for a recommendation letter, but I don't know how to approach the situation. I have only been to office hours in classes I struggled in to get help or to just look over exams to see what mistakes I made. I want to go but it just feels awkward to strike up random conversation. How do I approach my professor during office hours?</p>

<p>Just go. Have a topic in mind- and, sure, you can start with, “I just wanted to introduce myself.” Profs usually like kids who stop by- out of interest- not just when there’s a poor grade or a worry. Topics? How about running your next paper topic by him/her or discussing a point in a lecture or reading?</p>

<p>Don’t be afraid to go to a professor’s office hours specifically to talk about grad school. </p>

<p>You can ask questions about what it takes to get into a good grad school, what grad school programs in their field are like, if you need grad school, etc.</p>

<p>You are striking up a conversation with a professor, asking for professional advice and seeking out their knowledge. Most professors are happy (and deep down slightly honored) that you sought them out to ask for this type of (life changing/path) advice.</p>