Going to UA tomorrow - any requests?

<p>We are driving our daughter down to U of A tomorrow for a final visit before committing. We will be all over the campus & visiting the College of Fine Arts. Does anyone here (especially OOS) have any picture requests or want us to get any particular info for you? If so, let me know here or PM me :)</p>

<p>hi i was wondering if your oos also and if arizona is worth going to it being 38.7k estimate. For me i only got about 18k of the aid covered, so 21k is still alot to cover. And if we applied as undeclared, where can we change majors, is it in orientation?. I want to enter into pre business .</p>

<p>You can change your major at orientation. All you have to do is fill out this form they give you.</p>

<p>Whats the major where most applicants are accepted?</p>

<p>Hi tinytank32 :)</p>

<p>My daughter is in state. I honestly don’t think I can answer the “is it worth it” question for you, as I feel that is a very individual decision. I will say that of our three state universities, UA has the best academic rep, but I don’t know what other schools you applied to so I can’t say how it would compare. I do feel that in this economy, you would be VERY wise to take on as little debt as possible. My daughter didn’t really want to attend UA, but she has full tuition paid all four years there, and her chosen majors have a very good reputation there, so it is the wisest choice. It will mean a degree with little or no debt at the end, allowing her more choices and freedom after graduation. Something to consider :)</p>

<p>ok thanks alot realjoy. I have a few questions about the process. Umm do we pick our classes on orientation day or online? And when will we take placement tests? Also around how many classes are usually 30 units in a year? Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes, you pick your classes at orientation with the help of your advisor. You may be able to do it beforehand online but I am not sure. </p>

<p>You should take your math placement exam online before orientation but you will take your foreign language placement exam at orientation. Depending on your high school record you may be placed in English 109H. If you are not placed in English 109H you have the opportunity to place into it at orientation if you so desire.</p>

<p>30 credits a semester is either 4 or 5 classes depending on what you are taking. Typically, maths and languages (maybe sciences with a lab too) will be more than 3 credits whereas gen eds will usually consist of 3 credit courses. </p>

<p>You may find after your first semester that you are able to handle more than 15 credits per semester.</p>

<p>ok thanks walter. Do you guys know anythin about the eller pre business living learning community? I want to join it because i want to change my undecided major into pre-business and was wondering if that wing in la paz was good. Thanks.</p>

<p>I do not know about the pre business wing but in my opinion La Paz is the best dorm on campus.</p>

<p>Hey tinytank, I saw the pre-business wing last week and I’m planning to live there in the fall. If you have any questions, let me know.</p>

<p>oh cool david, do you know how many people are in it? And is it just freshman in the dorm community?</p>

<p>They told me there were typically 70 kids in the pre-business wing. Nearly all are freshman, but this year they also had a couple of transfers who were in their first year at UA but were sophomores.</p>

<p>david, did you already get into the la paz wing? Because i submitted an app for the pre biz wing and got in, but they said to wait around May 4th to get assigned to the dorm, and my housing status is still waiting for assignment 0_0</p>

<p>The email that I received said that I was conditionally accepted into the wing as long as I had a housing app on file, so it’s probably the same as yours. From what I was told, people who received that email will be placed in the pre-business wing. The pre-business wing is “L” wing, it’s on the 2nd floor and it was pretty big. I guess they only go through the applications for the wing about once a month and the next review is May 4th, so that’s when we’ll probably be confirmed for that wing.</p>

<p>I also joined their facebook group - “2010-2011 Eller Pre-Business Living-Learning Community” Did you join?</p>