Going to UA with a Bad Attitude

<p>aquapoet- I hope that my relative has the same experience that you had.</p>

<p>Going away from her mom may be the best thing yet for this girl, since her mom has been very controlling her entire life. </p>

<p>Thank you all for your posts. We’ll see how she does.</p>

<p>My D’s college forum gets only about 1 post per week! Can some of you send your kids to school up North? I get lonely. :)</p>

<p>gsmomma: I would not say my son went to UA with a bad attitude. Rather, a reserved one. He is a NMF who did not want big debt so he chose Alabama because of its computer-based honors program and the idea of graduating without being $50,000 in the hole – something that some of his friends will experience. </p>

<p>The day we pulled out of the driveway to head to T-Town, I remember exactly what my son said, “If it doesn’t work out, I can always transfer to UVA.” </p>

<p>It worked out just fine. He’s received an outstanding education, worked with some wonderful professors, met some people who will be life-long friends and hopes that he will watch the football team win a third national title in his four years.</p>

<p>aquapoet94: You don’t need to worry about a bunch of tailgaters clogging up the campus on Saturdays. They often start to arrive Thursday. Get to know some people, and you’ll eat well.</p>

<p>BTW, malanai, my son sends you his best from American Samoa.</p>

<p>^^^Love your son, momreads. Heck, we’re practically neighbors now. Please send him our aloha.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! And gsmomma, I hope your relative will become more excited about UA. I know I am!</p>

<p>I don’t know that the girl’s lack of enthusiasm means she has a bad attitude. Football and greek life may mean very little to her or what she wants out of an education. Perhaps inquiries about the shows the drama club has put on in the past might have sparked more interest.</p>

<p>My analogy these days is that getting a college education is like buying a car. Any decent car can you get around but if you have been dreaming of a shiny new Lamborghini and end up in the practical, used civic even though the choice may initially be based entirely on money but it ultimately have little impact on how you drive or how far you can go.</p>

<p>I agree that a lack of enthusiasm doesn’t always equal a bad attitude. I think the aunt was just using an attention-grabbing title.</p>

<p>However, if the student doesn’t “put herself out there,” attend some of the WOW events, stays locked in her dorm room, then she will not likely have a good experience.</p>

<p>No one has to go to football games to have an enjoyable time at Bama. Many kids never go to any games. No biggie! </p>

<p>I just hope that she does the full WOW week. If there are any Outdoor Action spots available, I wish she would do that as well.</p>