Golden Key Honor society

<p>Is anyone familiar with Golden Key Honor Society at Bama? My son got a letter inviting him to join. Is it simply an honor to recognize achievement, or is there a time commitment with joining? Any information would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Park, I can only tell you that my D also received an invitation to join and decided to pass on joining because we didn’t feel we were able to find sufficient information to warrant joining. Another parent posted on a thread I posted here about a month ago that her student did actually receive a scholarship from Golden Key, so it may or may not be worth joining. I really cannot say either way because we didn’t feel we had adequate info to justify joining at the time she was making a decision. There is a link on the UA page, but we didn’t find it very informative or up to date.</p>

<p>My son also got an invite and I plan on discussing it with him while he’s home over fall break, but I suspect we’re also going to pass.</p>

<p>I did a bit of research on it after getting the invite and can say that the membership fee is a one-time payment for a lifetime membership. There is no required time commitment, but the organization does focus on service and networking opportunities. Chapters at some schools are more active than others. Not certain how active the chapter at UA is.</p>

<p>As far as I know the invitations are based solely on GPA.</p>

<p>I read a post on another CC board that said the organization is not as prestigious as it used to be and that you get out of membership what you put into it. If you are very involved, it’s a worthwhile experience, but if you’re joining just to put a line on your resume, save your money.</p>

<p>What was fee join?</p>

<p>ParkTN: 80.00 </p>

<p>If you decide to join there is a New Member Recognition Event in the Ferguson Student Center on Sunday, November 18th at 7pm.</p>