<p>I would like to know, what are some of the good and bad aspects of UF. In addition, I would possibly like to double major in english and economics (within the business school). How reasonable is it to double major in disciplines that aren't in the same school? I know that there's a liberal degree economics major in the school of liberal arts, but the degree from the business school seems more lucrative. Any comments, or advice would be much appreciated!</p>
<p>What in particular do you want to know about the "good and bad aspects" of UF? academically? socially? </p>
<p>here are the websites for the english and econ majors: </p>
<p>Department</a> of English | Undergraduate Programs</p>
<p>If you're really serious about double majoring, it shouldn't be a problem. It wont be easy, but its feasible. (I know someone who double majored in econ and physics.) </p>
<p>hope this helps!</p>