<p>We're shopping for a laptop for my D to take to Cal this Fall. A friend told my D that she can get a better deal on an Apple MacBook buying it through Cal. Is that true? Where can we find information on this?</p>
<p>Macbook(s) with Berkeley Discount
The</a> Apple Store (U.S.)</p>
<p>Other GREAT deals on notebooks (non-apple)</p>
<p>HP</a> - Pavilion Laptop with AMD Turion™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Mobile Technology TL-60 - dv6815nr</p>
<p>thanks, shadow2!</p>
<p>Also check Amazon.com - some deals are better bottom line even tho there is no academic discount!</p>
<p>i went ahead an checked amazon.com. while there's NO TAX, the prices are usually higher than sales at brick and mortar stores</p>
<p>That was definintely not true with Apple laptops a month ago. Bought a MacBook Air after seeing the Cal site and the Apple price with educ discount and saved several hundred dollars. Main reason was that tax is not charged online. The size of the tax was more than the value of the educational discount (and shipping was free). In addition they offered a $50 rebate for electroncis purchases that further sweetened the deal.</p>
<p>When I mentioned cheaper, that was the way I meant - look at bottom line out of pocket.</p>